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Partnership working: Birmingham City Council’s European & international team Jennifer Crisp European Affairs Manager.

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Presentation on theme: "Partnership working: Birmingham City Council’s European & international team Jennifer Crisp European Affairs Manager."— Presentation transcript:

1 Partnership working: Birmingham City Council’s European & international team Jennifer Crisp European Affairs Manager

2 European and International Affairs team Co-ordinate the delivery of the city’s European & International Strategy, Distinctly Birmingham European funding European and international networks and partnerships Birmingham’s Brussels office


4 What is the purpose of our partnerships? To engage and involve our stakeholders in our international work – we are greater than the sum of our parts To share information and expertise To co-ordinate effort and avoid duplication To learn from others and develop solutions to common problems To secure funding To enhance Birmingham’s influence and reputation To collectively represent the interests of the city To advocate for change

5 Local partnerships GBSLEP responsible for EU Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) Four area-based associations with local stakeholders to deliver the International Strategy: China, Commonwealth, Europe and North America associations Work with BCC teams and departments on ESIF and also EU transnational funding opportunities

6 Some outcomes of the Area-Based Associations

7 National partnerships Co-operation with the Core Cities and the Local Government Association HM Government on EU funding matters

8 European partnerships EUROCITIES network Birmingham’s Brussels office partnership Relations with the EU institutions e.g. European Commission, European Parliament, UK Permanent Representation EU project partnerships European partner cities (Frankfurt, Leipzig, Lyon, Milan)

9 Brussels office partnership

10 Brussels office partnership - profiling WM manufacturing, innovation and design in Brussels, Sept 2015

11 International partnerships Sister cities (Chicago, Guangzhou, Johannesburg) Commonwealth Local Government Forum

12 How this links to the research agenda? The university sector is particularly well- represented in the Brussels office partnership. Putting forward Birmingham as an example of good / interesting practice in Europe and learning from others. Maximising EU funding opportunities for research such as the Horizon 2020 programme.

13 Examples of Birmingham’s EU research projects

14 Thank you for listening

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