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Zen & the Art of constantly adapt to change persistently confront our own limitations accept the risk of The Ultimate Failure.

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Presentation on theme: "Zen & the Art of constantly adapt to change persistently confront our own limitations accept the risk of The Ultimate Failure."— Presentation transcript:


2 Zen & the Art of Startup

3 @roningirl

4 constantly adapt to change persistently confront our own limitations accept the risk of The Ultimate Failure

5 Girl Samurai KPIs 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

6 Girl Samurai KPIs 7 days 6 cities 5 talks 4 events 3 … 2 all-nighters 1 EU Proposal

7 3 loads of laundry


9 14% of Executive Management 7% of Board Presidents 1 in 5 Employees in ICT (in Europe) Better decision-making Resonance with user-base Positive impact on bottom-line The down & dirty Business 46% of Total Workforce: 99.4M 22% of Middle Management 14% of Executive Management 21% Board President 7%

10 FFF: Fleeing, fed up forty-somethings Mature, mothers, husbands as business partners The down & dirty 80%



13 35% of BE businesses are SMEs 26% of those are women-led Tech Starters?? 3% =>Bottom of the Food Chain =>Indicator of Country’s Economic Health? BE ≠ Entrepreneurship

14 Low preference for self-employment Don’t agree that successful entrepreneurs enjoy “high status” Low feasibility of becoming self- employed** =>High perceived/actual barriers to entry

15 85% of women starters fly solo (samurai vs. ronin) Startup - Scaleup - Steady-state UNICORNS??? The down & dirty

16 Europe’s “secret weapon” GDP: Employment:

17 13% of European Publicly-traded Boards 3% of blue-chip CEOs 1 in 5 Employees in ICT (in Europe) 3% of Tech Starters (e.g. in Belgium) Better decision-making Resonance with user-base Positive impact on bottom-line The down & dirty

18 Service Industry Only 1 in 8 Female-led SMEs are in Industry Big focus is on Service =>Does this get the same attention as product-based entrepreneurship? =>What about Social Enterprise? =>Triple-Bottom Line (People Planet Profit)?


20 Cheryl D. Miller, Founder & Executive Director, Digital Leadership Institute - MasterCard EWLN Gender Diversity Event - 8 October 2015, Brussels Technology 49% of Young People: 32M 55% of University Students: 18.5M 31% of STEM 19% of Researchers (UK) 22% of Professors 33% of Mgt Rectors 11% Makers and Researchers Core digital 20% of Girls Want Career in Tech 25% of Computer Science degrees 30% of ICT Sector Jobs 20% of Tech Roles in ICT 20% of Mgt roles in ICT 10% of ICT Boards Fortune 500: 4% The “Great Equalizer” - Women outnumber men on ALL Social Media Not Really: - 1 in 5 Girls wants to work in Tech - 3 in 10 MST students are Women - 1 in 4 CS Degrees are held by Women - 1 in 5 ICT jobs is held by a Woman

21 Women don’t get Patents or Loans Women get 5% of VC Funding VC & Angel Investors??? Investment BY Women FOR Women => Quota on loans for Women-led SMEs? => Women-owned Banks? Why rob a bank when you can own one?


23 What do we do?

24 “The only thing that separates women of color from anyone else is opportunity.” - Viola Davis



27 Cultivate & Nourish!

28 28-29 November in Brussels Girl & Women-focused Beginners FREE Tech training & Coaching => Get Involved!

29 @roningirl

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