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FIRST Robotics Competition “To transform our culture by creating a world where science and technology are celebrated and where young people dream of becoming.

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Presentation on theme: "FIRST Robotics Competition “To transform our culture by creating a world where science and technology are celebrated and where young people dream of becoming."— Presentation transcript:

1 FIRST Robotics Competition “To transform our culture by creating a world where science and technology are celebrated and where young people dream of becoming science and technology heroes.” - Dean Kamen, founder

2 What is FIRST? “For the Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology” FIRST Lego League (FLL), FIRST Tech Challenge (FTC), FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC) Gracious Professionalism Co-opetition

3 What is FRC? High-school Level Changing Challenge Six-week Time Slot 5-foot-tall, 120-pound Robots Students + Professional Mentors Marketing and Fund Raising Outreach

4 FRC Robots

5 Student Skills Gained Design CAD Software C Programming Electronics Fabrication Fund Raising Marketing Project Management Teamwork Public Speaking Communication Leadership Time Management Application of Academic Skills Math / Science Advocacy Problem Solving

6 “FIRST has helped me decide on an engineering major in college. I have also gained valuable skills including writing grant proposals and overcoming my fear of power tools. Whatever career path I choose, what I learned from FIRST will be an asset.” “I learned a lot about areas in which I had little prior knowledge, such as mechanical and electrical terminology. The best part is, once the six weeks are done, seeing the thing you’ve been working on move, even if it doesn’t work exactly the way it’s supposed to.”

7 Impact—Personal FRC Participants Report:

8 Impact—Academics 70% of participants want to do better in school because of FRC

9 Impact—Careers

10 School Benefits Extracurricular opportunity Bring together different groups (FBLA, computer clubs, etc.) Potential for incorporation into school curriculum Enhance and reinforce material learned in science and math classes The glory of a winning team!

11 Community Benefits Increased Impact Presentations Robot Demonstrations Camps

12 Sponsorship Request First Year Fund Raising Goal: $12,000 Budget –Kit of Parts and Registration ($6,000) –Robot Parts and Tools ($4,000) –Marketing and Outreach ($1,500) –Travel and Event Expenses ($500)

13 Sponsorship Benefits Show you support engineering education Build a future workforce Improve educational opportunities—attract people to the area Encourages employees to mentor (great career skill development)

14 Mentors Needed Hardware and Software Engineers Welders and Machinists Marketing and Business Professionals Graphic and Web Designers Carpenters and Electricians CAD Designers and 3DS Max Animators Anyone!

15 Why Mentor? “Robotics gives mentors the chance to develop management skills in a meaningful, competitive and deadline-driven situation outside of the workplace. Mentors help team members craft project plans with milestones and deadlines, encourage without rescuing, mediate disagreements, and ask questions that lead others to solve their own problems.” 65% of FRC students want to work at one of their mentors’ companies.

16 Questions?

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