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NOAA’s CENTER for OPERATIONAL OCEANOGRAPHIC PRODUCTS and SERVICES NOAA/NOS/CO-OPS Maritime Services Current Observation Project San Francisco Bay and Vicinity.

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Presentation on theme: "NOAA’s CENTER for OPERATIONAL OCEANOGRAPHIC PRODUCTS and SERVICES NOAA/NOS/CO-OPS Maritime Services Current Observation Project San Francisco Bay and Vicinity."— Presentation transcript:

1 NOAA’s CENTER for OPERATIONAL OCEANOGRAPHIC PRODUCTS and SERVICES NOAA/NOS/CO-OPS Maritime Services Current Observation Project San Francisco Bay and Vicinity Carl Kammerer Project Lead

2 NOAA’s CENTER for OPERATIONAL OCEANOGRAPHIC PRODUCTS and SERVICES Reconnaissance 21 JUL-02AUG 2011 Meetings with Pilots, Marine Exchange, Shippers and the Exploratorium. On-water recon at 68 potential sites identified: – Location (GPS) – Bottom Type (Van Veen/ Ponar bottom grab) – Depth (Fathometer & CTD) – Salinity & Temperature (CTD) – General observations on Traffic, general site usage, weather and set and drift. We also determined possible staging locations and capable vessels.

3 NOAA’s CENTER for OPERATIONAL OCEANOGRAPHIC PRODUCTS and SERVICES Reconnaissance Locations 61 Inshore stations were collected with the assistance of the Navigation Response Team 6 survey vessel S3003. 7 Offshore stations (outside of Golden Gate Bridge) were collected with the assistance of the 42 foot R/V Mussel Point, UC Davis, Bodega Marine Lab. These stations will be pared down to 45+ based upon logistic and scientific considerations.

4 NOAA’s CENTER for OPERATIONAL OCEANOGRAPHIC PRODUCTS and SERVICES Questions? Contact: office: 603-862-3285 Cell: 301-908-1545

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