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Due June 1 Trimester 3 Week 12 Instructor: Mrs. Darci Syfert-Busk.

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Presentation on theme: "Due June 1 Trimester 3 Week 12 Instructor: Mrs. Darci Syfert-Busk."— Presentation transcript:

1 Due June 1 Trimester 3 Week 12 Instructor: Mrs. Darci Syfert-Busk

2  8:30-9:30-Math  9:30-9:45-Science  9:45-10:00-Housekeeping/CST’s  10:00-10:30-Language Arts  10:30-11-History  11:00-ELA Benchmark/Survey  12:00-Lunch  12:30-2-Study Hall/NO PE

3 P.E. ____5 PE Credits Due now ____Log  Grade______  TW________ Algebra  ____Ch. 8 Lesson 3 (1-30)  ____Ch. 8 Lesson 4 (1-30)  lessons 8-3 and 8-4  Parent Signature_______________  Grade__________  TW____________

4  Language Objective-Verbally explain what “probability” means  Understand the difference between an independent event and a dependent event  Review Quadratic Functions and Linear Functions

5  Pick your favorite Sport  Research 3 different players or teams and chose a statistic to compare using these plots  Create a Line Plot/Stem and Leaf (Back to Back)/Scatter Plot/Box and Whisker  Poster must have…  A. Title (typed)  B. Standard  C. Picture depicting the sport  D. 4 Plots listed  E. 1 Summary statement for each plot  E. Heading

6 P.E.  _____5 PE Credits Due NOW  ____PE Log  Grade______  TW________ Tutoring 8-9:30 Math  NEW BOOK  ____Green Book Ch. 11 Lesson 7  ____Green Book Ch. 11 Lesson 8  ____Benchmark Review Packet  ____Workbook 11-7 and 11-8  lessons 11-7 and 11-8  Parent Sign.____________  Grade__________  TW____________

7  Objectives This Week:  (Language Objective) Write a resume for a job  Identify similes, metaphors and personification  Review for Benchmark 

8  Internet search  Google  “resume template

9  1. ALL your contact info on top  2. Objective  3. Education  4. Experience  5. References


11  


13 Assignments:  _____Read Poems Pgs. 888-894. Do Questions Pg. 891.  _____Poem Questions Pg. 894  _____Benchmark Review Packet  _____Integ. Lang. Pg. 896  _____Resume Final  _____Selection Support Pg.  Review for benchmark test  Grade_____  TW______ T3 Week 12

14  TUTORING Mondays 8- 9:30 only for rest of year  No PE today…out at 1  Planet Art next week  Force/Motion Worksheet at  PE-5 Credits by June 1  Community Service  6 hours  Grade Work  Assignment Sheet  In folder  Headings  PE  Parent Sign  Date  Min….total?  Stamped Work  T3 Week 4  3%  3/23/10  Math  Science  LA  History

15  Objectives This Week:  (Language Objective) Describe what racism was like in the early 20 th century  Know what laws regarding segregation were  Know what the supreme court decided about Plessy v. Ferguson was

16  New York  European Immigrants  Prove they were healthy and meet legal requirements

17   San Francisco  Asian Immigrants  Escaping famine and religious persecution

18 Ellis Island/Angel IslandChinese Exclusion Act

19 ASSIGNMENTS:  ______Read Ch. 21 Lesson 3. Take Cornell Notes.  ______Ch. 21 Lesson 3 Questions Pg. 623  ______Workbook Lesson 12.3  _____Arizona Law Article Summary  6 hours Community Service Due June 1  Study for Benchmark  Grade_______  TW_________

20 Main Objectives This Week: -Review all objectives from Chapters 15-17 -Prepare for Benchmark Test

21  If everything has gravity…why doesn’t everything just fly together into 1 lump? Jupiter and Saturn are HUGE….why don’t they just smash into each other?

22 Beyond the Big Bang   Google…”big bang theory universe video” Hubble Article-Worksheet  See column 2-paragraph 5 and 6

23  Bring to hand in work  Teacher Edit  Monday….if not done

24 2. Interactive site…..10 minutes…create 3 questions.

25 Report Outline (100 Pts.)  Cover  I. Intro Paragraph  II. Location  III. Surface  IV. Orbit and Rotation  V. Moons  VI. Exploration by NASA, etc.  VII. Conclusion  Presentation (25 Pts.) Planet Model-50 Pts.  Create a model of your planet based on a 40 foot sun  Must be correct perspective based on  May be made of clay, paper, styrofoam, paper-mache or any other appropriate medium  Must reflect what the planet actually looks like  Must be labeled

26  Next Week  1-2  Bring newspapers  $2

27 Physical Science

28 Tests  History Ch. 20  English Placement test Conferencing  Work turn in  Letter 

29  Test Grade  Where are they?

30  Packet

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