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NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR EDUCATION (NUV) Martin Nemecek RAILWAY OPERATION in ECVET A LLP-DoI Project with the support of the LLP LdV Programme of the European.

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Presentation on theme: "NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR EDUCATION (NUV) Martin Nemecek RAILWAY OPERATION in ECVET A LLP-DoI Project with the support of the LLP LdV Programme of the European."— Presentation transcript:

1 NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR EDUCATION (NUV) Martin Nemecek RAILWAY OPERATION in ECVET A LLP-DoI Project with the support of the LLP LdV Programme of the European Union

2 NUV tasks: 1) Provide experts comments, analysis and suggestions to the development of modules 2 experts principal of secondary technical school providing vocational education in railway transportation in Ceska Trebova expert from Czech Railways, Department of Development of Human Resourses

3 2) Organize 2nd expert workshop in Prague (10/2012) ECVET experts (expert workshop in Prague)

4 Future of RailVET outcomes? Martin Nemecek Thank you for your kind attention!

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