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Presentation on theme: " Welcome to the December 3, 2015 AIM webinar Acquiring Accessible Digital Materials: Just in Time! Introductions: In the chat text box on the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the December 3, 2015 AIM webinar Acquiring Accessible Digital Materials: Just in Time! Introductions: In the chat text box on the lower right of the Adobe Connect screen, please enter your name, state and primary role which interested you in attending this webinar (for example, parent, parent center, educator, etc.). Also use the chat box for questions, comments, etc during the webinar. Audio Information: Audio for this webinar is available via phone bridge and via VOIP on the computer in “listen only” mode. When the audio is started by the leader (about 10 minutes before the hour), you will be prompted to choose how to connect. NOTE: If you are not prompted by 5 minutes before the hour, call in to 877-512-6886 and enter Conference ID 1004121004. If you elect to use the telephone dial-in or call back option for audio, PLEASE ENSURE THAT YOUR PHONE IS MUTED AND THAT THE AUDIO ON YOUR COMPUTER IS ALSO MUTED. If you elect to listen on the computer, PLEASE DO NOT DIAL IN ON THE TELEPHONE because your computer sound will be heard by everyone else on the telephone.

2 Acquiring Accessible Digital Materials Just in Time! Joy Zabala, Ed.D., Director of Technical Assistance Diana Carl, MA, LSSP, Special Projects Coordinator Center for Applied Special Technology (CAST) and the National Center of Accessible Educational Materials for Learning

3 Purpose and Big Ideas of this Session The purpose of this webinar is related to the timely acquisition of accessible digital materials and technologies needed by students with disabilities Part One will focus on the following main ideas: – A very brief review of foundational information included in an AEM Basics webinar – A brief introduction to accessible digital materials – Purchasing accessible digital materials – The moving target of accessibility – What to look for and what to ask for Part Two will directly address questions and comments submitted by participants throughout the session

4 Questions and Comments Don’t be shy! The only “foolish question” is the one that is not asked. 3

5 National Center for Accessible Educational Materials for Learning October 2014 to October 2019

6 Materials are Materials Instructional = Educational = Learning 5

7 AEM Center Goal To build the capacity of states, districts, postsecondary institutions, families, publishers, and other stakeholders to increase the availability and use of high-quality accessible educational materials (AEM) that support improved learning opportunities for students with disabilities. 6

8 7

9 A Very Brief Review of Foundational Issues

10 Relationship of AEM to FAPE? “Timely access to appropriate and accessible instructional materials is an inherent component of [an LEA’s/SEA’s] obligation under [IDEA] to ensure: that FAPE is available for children with disabilities and that children with disabilities participate in the general education curriculum as specified in their IEPs.” Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP), 71 Fed Reg. 46618

11 IDEA Fed. Reg. Section 300.172 Provisions in the IDEA 2004 regulations require state and local education agencies to ensure that printed textbooks and related core instructional materials are provided to students with print disabilities in specialized formats in a timely manner. Legal requirement is placed on state and local education agencies. IDEA cannot place requirements on publishers 10

12 What OSEP says about AEM in 2015 “Accessible educational materials” means print- and technology-based educational materials, including printed and electronic textbooks and related core materials that are required by SEAs and LEAs for use by all students, produced or rendered in accessible media, written and published primarily for use in early learning programs, elementary, or secondary schools to support teaching and learning.” CFDA 84.327Z, Footnote #10

13 AEM and Civil Rights Two federal civil rights acts, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) prohibit discrimination on the basis of disability speak to the obligation of public schools to provide accessible educational materials to students with disabilities who need them.

14 Point to Ponder Given the OSEP expanded interpretation of accessible materials, should we really be talking about a “text disability?” 13

15 A Brief Introduction to Accessible Materials

16 Joint Dear Colleague Letter June 29, 2010 Department of Justice and Department of Education 15

17 What are AEM? Materials that are designed or enhanced in a way that makes them usable by the widest possible range of student variability regardless of format (print, digital, graphical, audio, video) Content may be “designed to be used as print” and require retrofitting Content may be “designed to be used digitally” and difficult to retrofit if not accessible from the start 16

18 When thinking about accessible materials, it is important to understand that the content and the delivery technology are two sides of the AEM coin and both require careful consideration and selection. Lesson Learned…

19 Two Sides of the AEM Coin… The information is the content Accessible technology is the delivery system that the student uses to perceive and interact with the content 18

20 Acquiring Accessible Digital Materials

21 Lesson Learned… As the publishing industry “goes digital” the most promising sources of AEM for widespread use are: accessible digital learning materials developed by publishers and made available for purchase accessible open educational resources (OERs) 20

22 but here’s a problem… Many of the digital educational materials and their delivery systems are not currently accessible! 21

23 White paper. Center for Online Learning and Students with Disabilities 22

24 Created Accessible from the Start Benefits of acquiring digital materials that are accessible from the start: Supports inclusion Benefits all students’ learning Benefits teachers Reduces complexity Reduces costly accommodations

25 and here’s another problem… As exciting, inviting digital materials are being developed, publishers are not hearing much of a demand for accessibility or broad usability! 24

26 What does “accessible” mean? 25 Chris Bugaj

27 Lesson Learned… Asking a commercial publisher or a creator of OERs if their digital materials are “accessible” often leads to answers that are not very enlightening. 26

28 The Moving Target of Accessibility

29 Think about a student who is deaf or hard of hearing 28

30 Accessibility is increased with… Captions for multimedia presentations Transcripts of multimedia presentations Simultaneous sign language input Alternatives for sound cues Amplified sound and noise reducing earphones 29

31 Think about a student with low vision 30

32 Accessibility is increased when… Compatible with screen magnification software Flexible formatting such as fonts, font size, contrast and colors available Text-to-speech software can be utilized Audio formats provided Logical order to content that is easily understandable 31

33 Think about a student who is blind 32

34 Accessibility is increased when… Screen reader software can be utilized Compatible with refreshable braille devices with speech options Transcripts of multimedia presentations can be read with refreshable braille devices Alt text for images provided Logical order to content is easily understandable 33

35 Think about a student with a physical disability 34

36 Accessibility is increased when... Navigation is mouse-free and all functionality is available from the keyboard or other devices Visual focus provides guidance Alternative input devices or programs are compatible such as voice recognition or visual keyboards when writing is required 35

37 Think about a student who has a learning disability, dyslexia, ADHD, autism or other cognitive disability 36

38 Accessibility is increased when... Formatting can be changed to meet preferences Text-to-speech software and supported reading software are compatible Access location supports and progress bars are available Time limits for responses can be extended Logical order to content is easily understandable 37

39 Leveraging Resources Simply Said: Understanding Accessibility in Digital Learning Materials 38

40 Lesson Learned Purchasers of materials or those who influence purchasers, must ensure that contracts require that all materials purchased from publishers/developers are aligned with relevant accessibility standards (e.g., DAISY, WCAG 2.0 at minimum, Section 508). 39

41 The PALM Initiative 40 Purchase Accessible Learning Materials Purchase Accessible Learning Materials

42 Increasing the Production of Accessible Digital Materials for Purchase If you are a purchaser of materials or influence those who purchase materials, be sure that contracts require that all materials purchased from publishers/developers are aligned with relevant accessibility standards (e.g., DAISY, WCAG 2.0 at minimum, Section 508). 41

43 Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 Developed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Web Accessibility Initiative 42

44 WCAG 2.0, Level AA Principles Perceivable: Information and user interface components must be presentable to users in ways they can perceive Operable: User interface components and navigation must be operable Understandable: Information and the operation of user interface must be understandable Robust: Content must be robust enough that it can be interpreted reliably by a wide variety of user agents, including AT 43

45 Section 508? DAISY? WCAG 2.0? ? ? ? ? Accessibility for the Rest of Us Show me! 44

46 “Show me” Indicators of Accessibility Seek out and purchase materials that: Can run on a variety of devices Are developed in device-agnostic file formats (e.g., accessible HTML, Microsoft Word, PDF, ePUB) Have content represented in multiple ways (e.g., video captions, alt text, text and image descriptions that can be voiced, digital braille) 45

47 “Show me” Indicators of Accessibility Seek out and purchase materials that: Are compatible with other technologies (e.g., assistive technology, screen readers, refreshable braille, text-to- speech, and human-voice reading) Have rich navigation alternatives (e.g., keyboard shortcuts/mapping or screen gestures) Have location supports such as page numbers and/or progress bars 46

48 “Show me” Indicators of Accessibility Seek out and purchase materials that: Have mathematical, scientific, and music symbols, formulas, and notations represented in multiple ways (e.g., explained with text alternatives, MathML) If writing is required, keyboard entry is supported by alternatives (e.g., word prediction, on-screen keyboards, voice input) 47

49 and another thing…. Electronic Digital Rights Management (DRM) built into materials MUST NOT prevent access to built-in accessibility features or necessary assistive technologies. 48

50 Lesson Learned… If purchasers consistently DEMAND accessibility in all digital products and give preference to accessible products, the production and availability of accessible digital materials for purchase WILL increase! 49

51 Where can I get help when I need it?

52 51

53 Questions Don’t be shy! The only “foolish question” is the one that is not asked. 52

54 “Knowledge is power. Information is liberating. Education is the premise of progress, in every society, in every family.” Kofi Anan 53

55 What can you do? Visit the AEM Center web site at: http://aem.cast.org Check out the PALM Initiative at the AEM site Check with your AEM State Contact for state-specific policies and practices contacts-sea-information.html contacts-sea-information.html Dig deeper into accessibility standards and other issues at specifications-guidelines.html specifications-guidelines.html 54

56 We’re always just a fingertip away! Joy Zabala Diana Carl AEM Team

57 2-Minute Evaluation Thank you for joining us! Please take a few moments to complete a brief survey, which is intended to gather information about the quality, relevance, and usefulness of the webinar you just attended. Your responses are completely confidential. erialsDec2015

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