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Published byScott Greer Modified over 9 years ago
18.01.2013 Acharya Jagdish Chandra Bose Hall, Krishi Bhawan, New Delh i
Sl.No.CropProductivity (kg/ha) 2006-072011-12% increase2012-13 targeted (As per2 nd advance estimate) 1Paddy1832319742.692722 2Pigeonpea63790429.53955 3Black gram59770984.20906 4Green gram64065415.80619 5Horse gram (Kulthi) 40860633.00581 6Chickpea923106613.40820 7Lentil60984028.00820 8Pea987113513.051125 1. Cropwise Comparative Productivity 2006 – 07, 2011-12 and 2012 - 13 1
2 2 a. Targeted Area, Production and Productivity as per crop cutting experiment 2012-13* Sl.No. CropArea ‘000 haProduction ‘000 tonnProductivity (Kg/ha) 1Paddy (Total)14203780.1483020 2Arhar195.685185.7591040 3Blackgram98.23090.695995 4Green gram25.82515.921815 5Horse gram20.22511.325769 Total Pulses339.965303.700905 * As per Crop cutting experiment
2 b.Target Area, Production and Productivity 2012-13* Sl.No.CropArea ‘000haProduction ‘000 tonns Productivity (Kg/ha) Crop - Paddy Paddy(Total) 1407.7583831.2262722 Crop - Pulses 1 Arhar 199.787190.803955 2 Black Gram 104.60294.791906 3 Green Gram 26.01616.102619 4 Horse Gram 21.07812.255581 5 Gram 130.288108.139830 6 Lentil 45.55037.351820 7 Pea 41.82047.0471125 Pulses(Total) 578.821511.524883 Area – ’000 ha Production – ‘000 ha Productivity – (Kg/ha) * As per State own assessment 3
3 a. Expenditure as on 31.12.2012 under NFSM Scheme during 2012-13 Sl. No. SchemesAllocation as per work plan (2012-13) O.B. As on 1.04.201 2 1 st instalme nt released from Govt. of India (2012- 13) 2nd instalme nt released from Govt. of India (2012- 13) Total fund available (2012- 13 ) Expenditur e upto date BalanceRemarks 12345678910 1 NFSM - Rice850.560283.800528.050-811.850576.875234.975 2 (i) NFSM- Pulses 1291.970247.510605.19089.270941.970590.247351.723 (ii) IPM in Pigeonpea for Productivity enhanceme nt 375.00-170.000 84.00086.000 Total2517.530531.3101303.24089.2701923.8201251.122672.698 (Rs. in lakh) Cont.. 4
3 (a). Expenditure as on 31.12.2012 under NFSM Scheme during 2012-13 Sl.No.SchemesAllocation as per work plan (2012-13 O.B. As on 1.04.2012 as per U.C. of 2011-12 1 st instalment released from Govt. of India (2012-13) 2nd instalment released from Govt. of India (2012-13) Total fund availabl e (2012- 13 ) Expendit ure upto date BalanceRemar ks 12345678910 3. (i) NFSM – A3P 418.00071.18990.980109.500200.480195.4055.075 (ii) Addition al area coverage during rabi/ summer (2012-13 530.000-390.000- 41.600348.400 Total948.00071.189480.980109.500590.480237.005353.475 Grand Total 3465.530563.5741784.220198.7702475.38 0 1254.9971220.383 Rs. in lakh 5
3(b).Likely Anticipated expenditure during 2012-13 under NFSM Schemes in Jharkhand uptodate (Rs. in lakh) Sl.No.SchemeAllocation (2012-13) Expenditure till 31.12.2012 Anticipated expenditure (2012-13) Remarks 1.NFSM- Rice850.560576.875273.685 2. (i)NFSM - Pulses1291.970590.247701.723 (ii)NFSM- Pulses IPM Pigeonpea for Productivity enhancement 375.00084.000291.000 3. (i)NFSM – A3P418.000195.405222.595 (ii) Additional area coverage under Pulses during rabi/summer (2012-13) 530.000149.750380.250 Total3465.5301596.2771869.253 6
3 (c). Requirement of fund during 2012-13 if a ny Inlight of allocation under NFSM during 2012-13 following fund is required to achive the target : Sl.No.SchemeAllocation (2012-13) Fund released (2012-13) Fund required Remarks 1NFSM -Rice850.560811.850NILAs per audit report revised AAP approval is to be taken 2 (i)NFSM -Pulses1291.970941.970350.00 (ii)IPM in Pigeonpea for Productivity enhancement 375.00170.00205.00 3 (i)NFSM –A3P418.00200.48217.52 (ii)Additional area coverage under Pulses during rabi/summer (2012-13) 530.00390.00140.00 Total3465.5302514.300951.230 7
Sl.No.ComponentUnitTargetAchievement Phy.Fin.Phy.Fin. 1. Cluster Demonstration by State Department of Agriculture with the technical backstopping of ICAR/ SAUs/ IRRI (One Cluster of 100 ha.) a Direct seeded rice / Line transplanting /SRI (Target 1.5% Area of District) Ha 4000268.08 4000218.555 b Cluster Demonstration Hybrid Rice (One cluster of 100 ha) (Target 0.5% Area of District) Ha 2000134.04 2000108.451 c Cluster Demonstration Swarna Sub-1 / Sahbhagi Dhan of 100 ha Each Ha ---- 4. Physical & Financial Progress of NFSM – Rice (2012-13) Dec, 2012 (Rs. In lakh) 8
Sl.No.ComponentUnitTargetAchievement Phy.Fin.Phy.Fin. d Front Line Demonstrations by ICAR / SAUs on Hybrids Varities (Cluster of Min 10 ha each) Ha---- 2. Seed Distribution a Hybrid Rice seed Qtls 600.0012.00 180.294.722 b HYVs Seeds Qtls 50000.0 250.0 12017.83 51.205 3 Plant & Soil Protection Management a Micronutrients Ha 800.004.006202.160 b Liming in Acidic soils Ha 1000.005.00737.142.638 c Plant Protection Chemicals & Bio-agents Ha 1500.07.50 1264.24 4.607 Physical & Financial Progress of NFSM – Rice (2012-13) Dec, 2012 (Rs. In lakh) 9
Sl.No.ComponentUnitTargetAchievement Phy.Fin.Phy.Fin. 4 Resource Conservation Techniques / Tools a Conoweeder Nos. 50015.00 4728.736 b Knapsack sprayer Nos. 35010.500 6.091 c Zero Till Seed Drills Nos. 50.7520.30 d Multi Crop Planters Nos. 0000 e Seed Drills Nos. 0000 f Power weeders Nos. 0000 g Zero Till Multi crop Planters Nos. 50.7510.15 h. Ridge Furrow Planter Nos.50.75000 i Rotovator Nos. 61.80 30.90 Physical & Financial Progress of NFSM – Rice (2012-13) Dec, 2012 ( Rs. In lakh) 10
Sl.No.ComponentUnitTargetAchievement Phy.Fin.Phy.Fin. j Laser Land Leveler Nos. 00 00 5 Incentive for Pump Set Nos.25025.0019513.039 6 Cropping System based trainings (four sessions i.e. one before kharif, One each during kharif and rabi crops and one after rabi harvest) Nos.507.00506.68 7 Misc. Expenses a ) Project Management team& other Misc. Expenses at District Level. No. of District 744.520119.985 b ) Project Management team& other Misc. Expenses at State Level. 113.870 Local Initiatives (Focus should be water harvesting structures for promotion of SRI and providing irrigation) 50.0013.12 Total 850.560461.340 Physical & Financial Progress of NFSM – Rice (2012-13) Dec, 2012 (Rs. In lakh) 11
Sl.No.ComponentUnitTargetAchievement Phy.Fin.Phy.Fin. 1 Distribution of Certified Seed : (a) For Varieties less than 10 years Qtls.5000110.001600.00 a (b) For Varieties more than 10 years old Qtls. 15000180.00 82811.87 2. Demonstration on Improved Technologies : (a) Cluster Demonstrations (of 100 ha each) on Inter - cropping / Improved Varieties / farm implements like Ridge furrow marks / seed drill Ha 6500325.00 8480253.25 (b) Frontline Demonstrations by ICAR/ SAUs in cluster of 10 ha each Ha---- Physical & Financial Progress of NFSM – Pulses (2012 – 13) Dec, 2012 (Rs. In lakh) 12
Sl.No.ComponentUnitTargetAchievement Phy.Fin.Phy.Fin. 3 Integtated Nurtient Management (a) Micro- nutrients Ha.400020.00 2447.658 10.18 (b)Lime / Gypsum / 80% WG Sulphur Ha 20000150.00 13477.677 98.53 c. Rhizobium culture/ Phosphate Solublizing Bacteria Distribution/ Micorrizha Ha 1000010.00 6236.486 5.25 4 Integrated Pest Management (IPM) (a) IPM Package Ha 400030.00 2636.501 17.24 (b) Distribution of NPV Ha. 4001.00181.9650.447 Physical & Financial Progress of NFSM – Pulses (2012-13) Dec, 2012 (Rs. In lakh) 13
Sl.No.ComponentUnitTargetAchievement Phy.Fin.Phy.Fin. (c) Distribution of PP Chemicals Ha.400020.00 3023.280 14.07 (d) Weedicides Ha 5002.50 227.423 1.05 5 Resources Conservation Technologies Tools : (a) Knapsack Sprayers Nos. 126037.80098024.83 (b) Zero Till Seed Drills Nos. 172.55050.75 (c) Multicrop Planters Nos. 0.00 0 (d) Seed Drills Nos. 172.55040.60 (e) Zero till Multi Crop Planters Nos. 0.00 0 (f) Ridge Furrow Planters Nos. 0.00 0 Physical & Financial Progress of NFSM – Pulses (2012-13) Dec, 2012 (Rs. In lakh) 14
Sl.No.ComponentUnitTargetAchievement Phy.Fin.Phy.Fin. (g) Rotavator Nos.175.10103.0 (h) Lasser Land Levelers Nos. 0.00 0 6 Efficient Water Application Tools : (a) Distribution of Sprinkler Sets Ha ---- (b) Incentive for Mobile Sprinkler Raingun Nos. 10015.00263.90 (c) Incentive for Pumpsets Nos. 50050.0050649.32 (d) Pipe for carrying water from source to the field Nos. 20030.0012718.90 Physical & Financial Progress of NFSM – Pulses (2012-13) Dec, 2012 (Rs. In lakh) 15
Sl.No.ComponentUnitTargetAchievement Phy.Fin.Phy.Fin. 7 Cropping System based training (Four Sessions i.e. One before Kharif, one each during Kharif & Rabi crops and one after rabi harvest) Nos. 13018.20012415.75 8 Miscellaneous Expenes (a) Project Management Team & and other Miscellaneous Expenes at District level No. of District 1775.9901116.14 ( b) Project Management Team & and other Miscellaneous Expenes at State level No. of State 16.28014.49 (c) Misc. Expenses to State for other Districts ( District of ISOPOM) No. of District 00.00 0 Physical & Financial Progress of NFSM – Pulses (2012-13) Dec, 2012 (Rs. In lakh) 16
Sl.No.ComponentUnitTargetAchievement Phy.Fin.Phy.Fin. 9 Local Initiatives (Water charges for two protectives irrigation may be supported under Local initiatives to the farmers/ groups given mobile sprinkler raingun 0200.00 17.08 Total 1291.970556.652 Physical & Financial Progress of NFSM – Pulses (2012-13) Dec, 2012 (Rs. In lakh) 17
Sl.No.ComponentUnitTargetAchievement Phy.Fin.Phy.Fin. 1.Seed Mini kit Qtls. 28028.0 27023.562 2. Lime/dolomite Qtls.2100067.2635245.522 3. Micronutrients (Borax) Qtls.70042.0587535.400 4. Rhizobium culture Ha.70005.2557504.350 5. PSB Ha.70005.2557504.350 6 Urea(foliar spray) Ha.70004.2067503.743 7. Fungicides for seed treatment Ha.70005.6040003.929 Physical & Financial Progress of NFSM - A3P Kharif (Pulses) 2012-13 Dec, 2012 (Rs. In lakh) 18
Sl.No.ComponentUnitTarget for 7 unitsAchievement Phy.Fin.Phy.Fin. 8. Insecticides/pesticides/biogent (NPV) &biopesticides, insecticides, Pheromene traps, lures etc suitable for IPM recommendation in the crop. Ha. 7000 94.50 3648.51 46.560 9.e- pest surveillance Ha.700014.0025002.750 10.Total 266.00170.165 Physical & Financial Progress of NFSM - A3P Kharif (Pulses) 2012-13 Dec, 2012 (Rs. In lakh) 19
Sl.No.ComponentUnitTarget for 4 unitsAchievement Phy.Fin.Phy.Fin. 1.Seed Minikit Qtls. 24014.40 601.80 2. Lime/dolomite Qtls.1200038.40300010.80 3. Micronutrients (Borax) Qtls.40024.001006.00 4. Rhizobium culture Ha.40003.0010000.25 5. PSB Ha.40003.0010000.25 6 Urea(foliar spray) Ha.40002.40 7. Fungicides for seed treatment Ha.40003.2010002.00 Physical & Financial Progress of NFSM - A3P Rabi (Pulses) 2012-13 Dec, 2012 (Rs. In lakh) 20
Sl.No.ComponentUnitTargetAchievement Phy.Fin.Phy.Fin. 8. Insecticides/pesticides/biogent (NPV) &biopesticides, insecticides, Pheromene traps, lures etc suitable for IPM recommendation in the crop. Ha. 4000 56.80 250.00 3.940 9.e- pest surveillance Ha.40006.801180.200 10.Total 152.0025.240 Physical & Financial Progress of NFSM - A3P Rabi (Pulses) 2012-13 Dec, 2012 (Rs. In lakh) 21
5. Major focus on different inputs under NFSM Availability of improved quality seeds of rice and pulses to increase productivity. Low cost input like : Lime/ dolomite/ LD slag to improve soil health. Micronutrient (Borax) / Zinc to remove nutrient deficiencies in soil to improve crop productivity. Seed innoculation with Rhizobium culture/ PSB to improve nitrogen and phosphate availavility. 22 Contd..
Major focus on different inputs under NFSM Use of Fungicides for seed treatment to protect the crop from seed born diseases. Use of weedicides to manage the weed population below their threshold value to affect crop productivity. Use of IPM e.g. Insecticides/Pesticides /Bioagents NPV and biopesticides to protect the rice and pulses crops from insect pest to harvest higher yield. 23
6. Physical and Financial target and achievement under A3P during 2012-13 (1 unit = 100 ha ) Sl. No.CropPhysical (No. of units)FinancialRemarks TargetAchievementTargetAchievement 1234567 1Pigeonpea70 266.00170.165The financial achievement is in progress 2Chickpea20-76.00-Due to unavailability of seed the cluster demonstration on Chickpea (2 units) and Lentil one unit could not be conducted. The target shall be completed during Summer Pulses (Green gram) 3Lentil201076.0025.240 4Green gram30-114.90- Total14080532.90195.405 Rs. in lakh 24
7. Status of implementation of Pest Surveillance in A3P during 2011-12 and 2012-13 in Jharkhand Sl.No.PeriodSeasonPhysical (ha)FinancialRemarks TargetAchievementTargetAchievement 12011-12Kharif9000415018.008.30 Rabi17000947028.9016.10 Total260001362046.9024.40 22012-13Kharif7000 14.002.75Program me is under progress Rabi11000 18.701.10 Total18000 32.703.85 Grand Total440003162079.6028.25 (Rs. in lakh) 25
8. Physical and Financial Progress under implementation of Special Plan of Pulses Production during Rabi/ Summer 2012-13 Sl.No.CropPhysical (ha.)Financial (Rs. in lakh)Remarks TargetAchievementTargetAchievement 1Chickpea6000 229.80041.600 Programme is under progress 2Lentil4000 153.20046.150 3Summer* green gram 4000-174.000- Total1400010000530.00087.750 26 * The Seed & other inputs Procurement is under progress.
9.Additional area Coverage under NFSM – A3P Pulses during Rabi/ Summer 2012-13 (1 unit = 100 ha) Sl. No. CropPhysical (No. of units)FinancialRemarks TargetAchievementTargetAchievement 1234567 1Chickpea6052229.8041.600Physical target of Chickpea could not be completed due to unavailability of seed. It will be completed in summer season in Green gram 2Lentil40 153.2046.150 4Green gram40-147.00-The Procurement of seed & other input is in progress & Target shall be achieved Total14092.00530.0087.750 Rs. in lakh 27
10. Planning of Summer Rice and Pulses crops 5000 q rice seed to be distributed in summer. Distribution of INM/IPM in 450 ha. Target of Farm implements to be achieved. 1000 q Pulses seed to be distributed during summer. 4000 ha area of field demonstration under NFSM – Pulses to be conducted on summer moong. 28
Planning of Summer Rice and Pulses crops 12000 ha INM & 2000 ha IPM area taken up under NFSM –Pulses. Target under Farm implement to be completed under NFSM - Pulses. 7000 ha area of Cluster Demonstration under NFSM – A3P taken up with summer moong. 29
11. Status of online submission of Progress report 100 % On line reporting at district and state level. 30
12. Appointment of Project Management Team (PMT) at district level Re advertised for the Post of State/ District Consultant/STA/ TA. Walk in interview to be conducted very shortly. 31
14. Specific issues and Suggestion State level Training Programme be continued. Capacity building of Personnel desirable for effective execution of the programmes of NFSM. Consolidated amount of PMT to be enhanced. uncertainity of continuation of the schemes PMT personnel remain in search of better employment. 32
NFSM – Wheat Programme to be given to the State 60,000 Pulses villages scheme to be given to state. 33
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