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Monte-Carlo event generation for CEPC 1 Xin Mo Institute of High Energy Physics Oct. 19, 2015 Monte-Carlo event generation for the CEPC.

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Presentation on theme: "Monte-Carlo event generation for CEPC 1 Xin Mo Institute of High Energy Physics Oct. 19, 2015 Monte-Carlo event generation for the CEPC."— Presentation transcript:

1 Monte-Carlo event generation for CEPC 1 Xin Mo Institute of High Energy Physics Oct. 19, 2015 Monte-Carlo event generation for the CEPC

2 Outline 2 Monte-Carlo event generation for the CEPC  Introduction of CEPC generation work Basic information Higgs physics  NLO plans Electroweak & QCD Sample & validation

3 Basic information 3 Monte-Carlo event generation for the CEPC  Generator Matrix element: Whizard1.95 Shower & hadronization: Pythia6.4  Sample information: CM energy: 250GeV Luminosity: 5000fb -1 Polarization: unpolarized ISR: on Beamstrahlung: off

4 Workflow 4 Monte-Carlo event generation for the CEPC

5 Stdhep 5 Monte-Carlo event generation for the CEPC Root Marlin Whizard, Pythia Geant4, Mokka Stdhep

6 Physics 6 Signal part (Higgs) SM Background Monte-Carlo event generation for the CEPC 2 fermions 4 fermions

7 Higgs signal 7 Vector boson fusion Higgs-strahlung Monte-Carlo event generation for the CEPC

8 8 WW type Classification of 4 fermions Monte-Carlo event generation for the CEPC ZZ type Single W type Single Z type Single mixing type Mixing type

9 Summary table 9 240GeV250GeV qq 5466250216 μ+μ-μ+μ- 46854405 single Z 45384734 single W 50865144 W+W-W+W- 1600415484 ZZ 10791033 ZH 203212 W fusion 5.366.72 Z fusion 0.500.63 Cross sections [fb] Monte-Carlo event generation for the CEPC

10 Number of events 10 Monte-Carlo event generation for the CEPC

11 NLO process 11 Monte-Carlo event generation for the CEPC Leading order: Next-to-Leading order: Radiation Vertex correctionLoop correction Omega Openloops

12 Interfaces 12  OpenLoops for one-loop calculation; QCD correction  Powheg for shower matching  stdhep, lcio, lhe outputs Monte-Carlo event generation for the CEPC

13 Cross sections 13 Monte-Carlo event generation for the CEPC NLOLO uu1112110760 dd102279829 cc1106810459 ss101009902 bb102379822  250GeV ISR & beamstrahlung  LO vs NLO

14 NLO event generation 14 Monte-Carlo event generation for the CEPC Whizard Pythia8 LHEF Powheg Openloops HepMC Loop calculation Matching Hadronize

15 Validation 15 Monte-Carlo event generation for the CEPC Monte-Carlo truth level Fast simulationFull simulation

16 Invariant mass check 16 Monte-Carlo event generation for the CEPC Monte-Carlo truth LO vs NLO

17 Some plans for future 17 Monte-Carlo event generation for the CEPC  Validation for benchmark samples  A cross check  Madgraph, Powheg My Email address: Office:Main building room B229 in IHEP

18 Thanks 18 Monte-Carlo event generation for the CEPC

19 Backup 19 Monte-Carlo event generation for the CEPC Backup

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