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CADjs Primitives and Booleans. 3D Solids There are 6 primitives that CADjs supports That is all you will need to create complex shapes.

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Presentation on theme: "CADjs Primitives and Booleans. 3D Solids There are 6 primitives that CADjs supports That is all you will need to create complex shapes."— Presentation transcript:

1 CADjs Primitives and Booleans

2 3D Solids There are 6 primitives that CADjs supports That is all you will need to create complex shapes.

3 Variables a=2+1; g1=cube(a) g1.display(); Looks the same as cube(1), but is bigger

4 Cube Create a cuboid of dimensions 10 x 5 x 1 g=cube(10,5,1); g.display(); Press F5 to run

5 Cylinder radius = 1.0; height = 2.0; g = cylinder(radius,height); g.display(); Increase smoothness and Press F5

6 Sphere g=sphere(1); g.display(); Can increase quality for smoothness

7 Cone g=cone(2,1,3); g.display();

8 Torus g=torus(2,1); g.display();

9 Display Color g = cube(1); g.display('blue'); Others: Red, green, yellow Magenta, teal, chocolate, …

10 Display Transparent g = cube(1); g.displayTransparent();

11 Program for your name Enter: g = textGeom("CADjs"); g.display();

12 Question

13 Booleans There are 3 Booleans that CADjs supports That is all you will need.

14 Subtraction g1=cube(1);Parent Material g2=sphere(.6);Subtracting Material g3=g1.difference(g2);Command g1-g2 g3.display();Display

15 Addition g1=cube(1);Parent Material g2=sphere(.6);Adding Material g3=g1.union(g2);Command g1+g2 g3.display();Display

16 Intersection g1=cube(1);Parent Material g2=sphere(.6);Intersecting Material g3=g1.intersection(g2);Command g1 interest g2 g3.display();Display

17 Question 3 Primitives? Boolean operations?

18 Hint g1 = cube(1); g2 = sphere(0.6); g3 = cylinder(0.4,2); g1.display(); g2.display(); g3.display(); Goal

19 Solution g1 = cube(1); g2 = sphere(0.6); g3 = cylinder(0.4,2); g4 = g1.union(g2).difference(g3); g4.display();

20 Order of Boolean Operation Matters g1 = cube(1); g2 = sphere(0.6); g3 = cylinder(0.4,2); g4 = g1. difference(g3).union(g2); g4.display(); Order of Boolean Operations matters! g1 = cube(1); g2 = sphere(0.6); g3 = cylinder(0.4,2); g4 = g1.union(g2).difference(g3); g4.display();

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