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I can use colons correctly. I can use my knowledge of denotation of words. I can demonstrate comprehension of text. I can differentiate between tone and.

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Presentation on theme: "I can use colons correctly. I can use my knowledge of denotation of words. I can demonstrate comprehension of text. I can differentiate between tone and."— Presentation transcript:

1 I can use colons correctly. I can use my knowledge of denotation of words. I can demonstrate comprehension of text. I can differentiate between tone and mood in order to determine author’s choice of words. I can create a thematic statement based on my comprehension of the text.

2   Colons  Rule 1. Use a colon to introduce a series of items. Do not capitalize the first item after the colon (unless it's a proper noun).  Examples: You may be required to bring many things: sleeping bags, pans, utensils, and warm clothing. I want the following items: butter, sugar, and flour. I need an assistant who can do the following: input data, write reports, and complete tax forms. Grammar

3   Our tool box contains the following a hammer, a wrench, and a chisel.  The garden is filled with the following flowers violets, daisies, and roses.  In English we read the following plays Our Town, The Glass Menagerie, and A Raisin in the Sun.  Our tour included the following a wax museum, an art gallery, and a library.  Please write me one sentence with a list of three items of your choosing. Punctuate the sentence with the correct use of the colon.

4   Our tool box contains the following: a hammer, a wrench, and a chisel.  The garden is filled with the following flowers: violets, daisies, and roses.  In English we read the following plays : Our Town, The Glass Menagerie, and A Raisin in the Sun.  Our tour included the following: a wax museum, an art gallery, and a library.  Please write me one sentence with a list of three items of your choosing. Check Yourself

5  1.reverent- feeling or showing deep and solemn respect 2.brusque- short, abrupt, dismissive 3.defile-to make unclean 4.rebuke-to scold; criticize 5.pugnacious-quarrelsome and combative Vocabulary

6   Essential Questions: 1.How do the time and place in which a person lives influence his or her identity? 2.How do a person’s cultural values and sense of identity affect his or her obligation to the community? 3.How does a person’s character influence other people’s behavior or the outcome of an event? 4.What might be the generational differences in how one expresses one’s sense of identity and culture? 5.How do you express your identity and culture? Essential Questions

7  Sierra Leone in West Africa: Ishmael Beah’s Home Country

8   A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Soldier

9   Background: Third page in book  New York City 1998: Page 4  Chapters one and two Background-Chapter 2

10  1.Where does the story take place. 2.Argue whether or not rap music held significance for Ishmael and his friends. (why or why not) 3.Choose a significant event in chapter one and justify it’s significance and effect on you. 4.Conclude what the people of the village in which Ishmael lived believe about the moon. 5.Conclude what memories from his childhood about the moon still remain as a comfort for him. 6.Describe the dream in chapter 2. Questions

11   WATCH OUT, tone and mood are similar!  Tone is the author’s attitude toward his/her writing (characters and situations) and his/her reader.  A work can have more than 1 tone. It can be both serious and humorous. Tone is set by the setting and the choice of vocabulary.  Mood is the atmosphere created by the author’s words. It is the feeling the reader gets by reading those words. Tone and Mood

12   Label the top of your paper: A Long Way Gone by Ishmael Beah.  Look for a word that stands out to you and describes the tone set in these first chapters.  In the smallest inner circle:  Write your tone word  Quote the sentence your tone word can be found  Write the dictionary definition of the word  Provide an explanation of why the word is important to the meaning of the chapters. Inner Circle


14   In the middle circle:  Draw 4 images from the assigned part of the reading  Write an explanation of the link between each image and the word you have written in the innermost circle – make a connection. Middle Circle


16   What is it... The general idea the writer wishes to express.  Thematic Statement Examples: (Thematic statements are sentences not 1 word.).  My Dungeon Shook- Change often does cause people to lose their identity.  Love one another and forgive despite injustice.  You past is part of your identity but it does not define you. Theme

17   In the outer circle:  Write 2 thematic statements (statement that explains the theme).  Make sure theses statements are drawn from the tone word in the innermost circle.  Share with the group Outer Circle


19   Write a paragraph about your initial reaction to the text A Long Way Gone. Exit Slip

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