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Strategic Plan 2016-2021 Barry Wright. Governance and Management A major insight in the governance of community organizations is ensuring the Governing.

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Presentation on theme: "Strategic Plan 2016-2021 Barry Wright. Governance and Management A major insight in the governance of community organizations is ensuring the Governing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Strategic Plan 2016-2021 Barry Wright


3 Governance and Management A major insight in the governance of community organizations is ensuring the Governing Body and Managers are able to delineate their different responsibilities. "Governance" is the strategic task of setting the organization's goals, direction, limitations and accountability frameworks. "Management" is the allocation of resources and overseeing the day- to-day operations of the organization.

4 Theme: Playing to WIN (What’s Important Now) Decide on our “winning aspiration” (MVV). Choose “where to play” (Where we will focus – geography, segments, products). Decide “how to win” (our Executing Strategy based on our Competitive Advantages). Develop core capabilities. Fashion the management system.


6 Ophea’s Winning Aspiration (M) Win in a particular place in a particular way. ‘Best-in-Breed’ Ophea champions healthy, active living in schools and communities through quality programs and services, partnerships and advocacy.


8 Where We Play … Strategic Questions to Ponder Environment: Are there any additional influencers we need to be aware of? Political, Environmental, Social, Technological, Economic, Legal

9 Where We Play … Strategic Questions to Ponder Clients: Do we need to create greater relevance for our target audience? Reaching as many clients as we should? Are we moving our clients along the learning continuum? V: All children and youth value and enjoy the lifelong benefits of healthy, active living. Seniors? Others?

10 Where We Play … Strategic Questions to Ponder Business Units: Stay with the ones we have or Adapt? Curriculum Healthy Schools Injury Prevention Physical Activity ?

11 Where We Play … Strategic Questions to Ponder Finance and Operations: How will we grow in order to sustain Ophea in the future? Can our organization survive and thrive in its current business model and mode of operation? Is our current business model future proof?

12 Task: Reflect Tonight Agenda Tomorrow 8:30: Breakfast 9:00: Review 9:15: Strategic Questions Next: Strategic Directions 3:45: Wrap-up

13 Agenda 8:30: Breakfast 9:00: Review 9:15: Strategic Questions Next: Strategic Directions 3:45: Wrap-up


15 Winning Aspiration Win in a particular place in a particular way. ‘Best-in-Breed’ Ophea champions healthy, active living in schools and communities through quality programs and services, partnerships and advocacy. Agree or Adapt

16 Q. Group Discussion How will we know if we get there? What are our Milestones? – Discuss now or ask Chris and Company to develop.


18 Q. Where to play? Focus on our Competitive field in which we will win; Segments we might centre upon? Insight: Strategy is about determining what to do and, as importantly, what not to do.

19 Strategic Questions to Ponder Environment: Are there any additional influencers we need to be aware of? Political, Environmental, Social, Technological, Economic, Legal

20 Environment Political, Environmental, Social, Technological, Economic, Legal

21 Strategic Questions to Ponder Clients: greater Relevance, greater Reach, develop out Range (for our Target Audience) V=All children and youth value and enjoy the lifelong benefits of healthy, active living. Seniors? Others?

22 Relevance, Reach, Range : People, Place, Partners

23 Strategic Questions to Ponder Business Units: Stay with the ones we have or Adapt? Curriculum Healthy Schools Injury Prevention Physical Activity ?

24 Strategic Questions to Ponder Finance and Operations: Grow to Sustain Is our current business model future proof? Can our organization survive and thrive in its current business model and mode of operation?


26 Remember last time … If Ophea were a … Colour – what colour (why) Sound – what sound (why) Animal – what animal (why) Place – what place (why?) What should Ophea be if … Colour – what colour (why) Sound – what sound (why) Animal – what animal (why) Place – what place (why?) Insights?


28 2012 – 2015 Strategic Goals To increase knowledge and skill of leaders, so they are equipped to foster harmony, active living. To continue to advocate in partnership for the development and implementation of inclusive policies that enhance healthy, active living. To increase awareness of Ophea and its programs and services To maintain the highest standards of accountability and good governance.

29 Q. How will WE win? * Strategic Directions Orienting questions How will we create superior value? What is our competitive advantage? What will be our point of difference and how do we sustain (leverage) this? Find three INSIGHTS to share.

30 Strategic Directions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


32 Q. What capabilities and management systems are in place? (needed?) How do we optimize our assets? – Structure aligns with Strategy – Staff; Curriculum; Technology; HR; Support Staff; Marketing; Communications;

33 Curriculum Increase awareness of curriculum resources and professional learning services. Develop secondary curriculum resources. Maximum curriculum resource content to reflect provincial needs, key policies. Enhance professional learning services (on-line and in-person). Conduct research/evaluations

34 Healthy Schools Increase awareness and participation of schools in Healthy Schools Certification Increase audience engagement (students, principals/directors, public health, student teachers, recreation). Increase school engagement (Francophone, First Nations, School Authorities, Private). Conduct research / evaluation

35 Injury Prevention Increase awareness and use of Ontario Safety Guidelines and professional learning services. Increase engagement if additional audiences (recreation, after school, parents). Streamline online delivery of Ontario Safety Guidelines. Maintain Ontario Safety Guidelines content to reflect provincial needs, key policies.

36 Physical Activity Develop physical activity resources for older adults/ aging population Update and enhance physical activity content for children with disabilities and DPA resources to support policy implementation Streamline online delivery of physical activity content Increase engagement of additional audiences (afterschool, older adults, early years) Conduct research / evaluation

37 How will we know if we are Winning? Clients who adore us. Staff who love working for us. Resources we need to thrive. Clients and funders who look to us first for innovations. Others?

38 Thank you 905-668-5550 x 6789 BarryatBrock

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