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Presenters: Anthony Grisillo and Charles Keeler Rose Tree Media School District, PA.

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Presentation on theme: "Presenters: Anthony Grisillo and Charles Keeler Rose Tree Media School District, PA."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presenters: Anthony Grisillo and Charles Keeler Rose Tree Media School District, PA

2 Handout  O O O Only an outline to reduce paper consumption.  F F F Full handouts and resources on  Q Q Q Questions and Answers  E E E Evaluation Form and Prizes


4 The Moon FFFFission Hypothesis CCCCapture Hypothesis CCCCo-formation Hypothesis GGGGiant Impact Hypothesis

5 So, How Big Is It? BBBBlow your balloon up to the size you think the moon would be. SSSStand where you think the moon would be in relation to the Earth.

6 Distance from Earth to Moon 382,500 km About 382,500 km

7 But how far is that? 333382,500 km 111191,250 km 99995,625 km 44447,812.5 km 22223,906.25 km

8 No, Really, How Far Is That? 11111,953 km (Australia) 5555,976.5 km (Hawaii) 2222,988.25 km (Salt Lake City, UT) 1111,494 km (Orlando, FL) 777747 km (Columbus, OH) 333373.5 km (Richmond, VA)

9 In this 373.5 km… OOOOur Entire Atmosphere! TTTThe Average Orbit of the International Space Station MMMMost of the Orbits of All Space Shuttle Missions

10 Distance from Earth to Moon 382,500 km About 382,500 km

11 Moon Exploration SSSSoviet Luna Missions FFFFirst moon impact and pictures UUUUS Apollo Missions 6666 Landings OOOOthers JJJJapan (JAXA) – Hiten (90) and SELENE (07) UUUUS – Clementine (94) and Lunar Prospector (98) EEEEurope (ESA) – SMART 1 (03) CCCChina – Chang’e 1 (07) IIIIndia (ISRO) – Chandrayaan-1 (08)

12 Build a Rocket SSSSimple Bottle Rocket – Kits Available UUUUse of Corporation Packet to Simulate Actual Process of Building a Rocket  B B B Bottle Rocket Movie

13 Future Exploration LLLLunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) LLLLunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite (LCROSS) GGGGoogle Lunar X Prize RRRRomania - ARCA

14 Lander Activity  O O O Original Plan  I I I Inquiry Based Activity  S S S Supply Materials  G G G Give Objective  T T T Test  M M M Make Changes  R R R Retest

15 Look Beyond  T T T Take what we learned from Mars landers and adjust it to the Moon  C C C Can landers of this type be used on the Moon?

16 Simulated Mission PPPPlan provided by Space Camp MMMMost age groups CCCChange to fit situation

17 I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand. - Confucius

18 Questions and Answers

19 Evaluation and PRIZES!

20 Thank you for attending! Please check out for more information.

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