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The Epistles of Peter & Jude Lesson 17: Past Proofs of Future Judgment (2 Peter 3:1-9) “Beloved, I now write to you this second epistle, in both of which.

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Presentation on theme: "The Epistles of Peter & Jude Lesson 17: Past Proofs of Future Judgment (2 Peter 3:1-9) “Beloved, I now write to you this second epistle, in both of which."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Epistles of Peter & Jude Lesson 17: Past Proofs of Future Judgment (2 Peter 3:1-9) “Beloved, I now write to you this second epistle, in both of which I stir up your pure minds by way of reminder.” -- 2 Peter 3:1

2 2 Peter 2 contained strong Warnings Against False Teachers REVIEW: There will be false teachers among us. (2:1) Many will follow them. (2:2-3) God will punish them -- as He did fallen angels, Noah’s world, and Sodom. (2:4-9) They are motivated by lasciviousness, greed, corrupt desires, & disrespect for authority. (2:10-11) They are characterized as unreasoning beasts, revilers without knowledge, pleasure seekers, carousers, adulterers, & habitual sinners. (2:12-16) They are full of empty promise! (2:17-22)

3 Identifying False Teachers Is it necessary to discern every evil motive and characteristic of a person before he can be identified as a false teacher? 2 Peter 2:1 states that false teachers “will secretly bring in destructive heresies” Jesus described false teachers as wolves in sheep’s clothing who would be recognized by their fruit! (Matthew 7:15-16) Satan’s ministers can “transform themselves into ministers of righteousness” (2 Cor. 11:15) False teachers “by smooth words and flattering speech deceive the hearts of the simple” -- we must make note of who they are based on their fruit! (Romans 16:17-18 )

4 Past Proofs of Future Judgment (2 Peter 3:1-9) Looking Back to Inspired Words Peter’s desire is to “stir up your pure minds by way of reminder.” (3:1) –Our ability to recall and apply truth relates to the purity of our minds! The word translated “pure” only occurs one other time -- Philippians 1:10 where it is translated “sincere”. The word literally means “judged by sunlight…tested as genuine” (Strong) Purity has nothing to fear from light! (John 3:21) –Reminders of truth will have positive effects on pure minds (2 Peter 1:12-15; Philippians 3:1-3)

5 Past Proofs of Future Judgment (2 Peter 3:1-9) Looking Back to Inspired Words Peter wants us to be mindful of the words spoken by the prophets and the commandments of the apostles (3:2) –The prophetic word and the commandments of the apostles came from God Himself (2 Peter 1:19-21; John 16:13-14; 1 Corinthians 14:37) –The church is built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets (Ephesians 2:19-22) –The words of the apostles and prophets warned of those who would scoff at God’s Judgment (Jude 17-18; 2 Timothy 3:1-9; Zech. 1:4-6; 7:12)

6 Past Proofs of Future Judgment (2 Peter 3:1-9) Looking Back to the Flood Scoffers will come… (3:3-4) –“In the last days” (cf. Hebrews 2:1-2) –“Walking according to their own lusts” When we use our own desires to determine what is right, we will always be wrong! (Deuteronomy 12:8; Proverbs 12:15; 21:2) –Denying the coming of the Lord based on false historical assertions. Claiming that “all things continue as they were since the beginning of creation.”

7 Past Proofs of Future Judgment (2 Peter 3:1-9) Looking Back to the Flood Scoffers willfully forget… (3:5-6) (Note that willful ignorance of truth invariably leads to error and condemnation, cf. Romans 1:21-25, 28) –The power of God’s word demonstrated in creation (Genesis 1; Psalm 33:9) –The destructive power of God’s word demonstrated in the flood (Gen. 6:7,13, 7:4, 23) Note that Peter considered the flood to be an actual historical event and used it to illustrate important truths (1 Peter 3:20; 2 Peter 2:5) As did Jesus in Matthew 24:38-39

8 Past Proofs of Future Judgment (2 Peter 3:1-9) Looking Back to the Flood The same Word which both created and destroyed the heavens and earth, preserves them now and will destroy them in the future (3:7). –God’s word preserves the world (Hebrews 1:3) –God’s word reserves the heavens and the earth for “fire” until the judgment day (2 Thess. 1:6-10)

9 Past Proofs of Future Judgment (2 Peter 3:1-9) Looking Back to an Infinite God We must not forget Who God is (3:8-9) –He is eternal! The passing of time is insignificant to the One who inhabits eternity (Psalm 90:2-4) –His mercy and longsuffering account for delaying His coming! (3:15; 1 Peter 3:20; Romans 2:3-4)

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