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Chronic Disease Risk Factors

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1 Chronic Disease Risk Factors

2 Chronic Disease Risk Factors
Behavioral Intermediate Background

3 Chronic Disease Risk Factors continued
Social & economic conditions Environment Cultures Urbanization

4 (Health Canada, 2015)

5 Obesity

6 Obesity rank by country, 2012

7 Contributing Factors Portion Sizes Physical Inactivity Genetics Media

8 (Brownell, 2006)

9 Contributing Factor: Inactivity
What is the recommended amount of daily activity? Schools and PE Sedentary Workplaces Communities “We have engineered activity out of our lives” (TWON, 2012)

10 Contributing Factor: Advertising
“Toxic advertising” Health claims on food TV time has increased

11 (Center for Media Literacy, 2011; Heidi Cody, 2000)

12 Obesity & Stigma A lot of bias exists when it comes to those who are overweight or obese. Health care workers Employment opportunities Media Children

13 Just getting people more active…
“Better to be fat and fit, than skinny and un-fit.” (Dr. Robert Sallis, 2014, pg 10) Exercise and… Dementia Depression Autoimmune Disorders such as Fibromyalgia Helping patients – “Health at every size” (Bacon & Aphramor, 2011) “No amount of exercise is insignificant.” (Dr. Robert Sallis, 2014, pg 26)

14 Tobacco

15 Tobacco Between 1964 and 2014: Over 20 million Americans died because of smoking 2.5 million nonsmokers More than 100,000 babies Smoking is still the leading cause of preventable disease and death in the U.S. “The Health Consequences of Smoking: 50 Years of Progress”

16 An evolving process… “If excessive smoking actually plays a role in the production of lung cancer, it seems to be a minor one.” The National Cancer Institute, 1954 “Tobacco use imposes enormous public health and financial costs on this nation – costs that are completely avoidable.” Kathleen Sebelius, Secretary of Health & Human Services, 2010

17 Source:Mokdad AH, Marks JS
Source:Mokdad AH, Marks JS. Actual causes of death in the United States, JAMA 291


19 Smoking and chronic disease
Responsible for more than heart and lung disease: 13 different types of cancer Smoking and reproduction Diabetes, eye disease, immune system

20 Warnings were to appear Sept. 2012 but….
Thoughts? Warnings were to appear Sept but…. (, 2011)

21 Alcohol

22 Alcohol and Chronic Disease
3rd leading lifestyle-related cause of death How does alcohol contribute to chronic disease? Short-term health effects Long-term health effects

23 Other risk factors?

24 SLEEP! Lack of sleep is associated with:
Diabetes, cardiovascular disease, obesity, depression and cancer. (CDC, 2009)

25 Vitamin D deficiency Deficiency associated with:
Increased risk of cancers, heart disease, endocrine disorders, and osteoarthritis. Vitamin D as prevention

26 Prevention Prevent, prevent, prevent But how????
Individual education / motivation Government policy Built environments

27 Ecological Model Public Policy Community Institutional or
Organizational Interpersonal Individual

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