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Gordon Pierce WESTAR Fall Business Meeting Salt Lake City, UT October 29, 2012.

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1 Gordon Pierce WESTAR Fall Business Meeting Salt Lake City, UT October 29, 2012

2 When was the last meeting? National Monitoring Steering Committee meeting held at EPA in RTP, NC on July 19-20, 2012 After the National Air Quality Conference

3 NO 2 Update Proposal on monitoring rule revisions going to OMB late July 2012 Proposal now published for 30-day comment period Revise deadlines to a phased implementation, commencing 1/1/2014 thru 1/1/2017 Near road ORD study in Las Vegas and Detroit Highest NO2 and BC nearest to road, decreasing with distance No significant gradient with PM

4 SO 2 Update Stakeholder meetings held on implementation Discussions on monitoring vs. modeling Favorable opinions on a threshold 2000 tpy ≅ 480 sources nationwide Monitoring How many sites needed? Who pays? How long? Modeling Cheaper, but does not always reflect reality Need rulemaking Internal EPA discussions occurring

5 Secondary NOx/SOx Update 3 areas proposed for pilot studies NE / Adirondacks SE / Appalachians Rockies / possibly Colorado Pilot studies to use existing infrastructure and take place between 2013 and 2018 Pilot studies to include NOy and trace SO2 Eutrofication and acidification a concern in Rockies and west Higher acidification in the eastern US

6 PM Update New PM proposal Retain 24-hr PM10 at 150 ug/m3 Retain 24-hr PM2.5 at 35 ug/m3 Reduce annual PM2.5 to 12 or 13 ug/m3 Add secondary visibility-based Revise monitoring requirements Discussions focused on secondary NAAQS Applicability Equipment Area covered Lot of comments submitted to EPA

7 National Air Toxics Trends Stations First multi-year assessment performed 2005-2007 vs. 2008-2010 Next one in 2013 2 nd draft of report just released Overall, a decreasing trend for a number of air toxics Data very useful for NATA modeling validation, trends and health risk benchmarks Need to: Look at redundant sites and eliminate Look at CR+6 possibly for sources/special studies Look at DQO’s Ensure that required MDL’s are being met

8 PAMS Re- Engineering Reduce number of sites Add PAMS in ozone non- attainment areas 26 “Required” sites O 3, NOx, VOC’s Upper air met? Some “flexible” sites O 3, NOx Good data tools Auto-GC shootout Current Proposed

9 Analyzer developments PM Fixes for Thermo 1405 BAM susceptible to dewpoint changes NOx/NOy Photolytic, CRDS, CAPS Lead New sampler being tested to replace hi-vol + ICP-MS BC/EC 7 different analyzer types being tested Satellite ORD ACE Task 145 to investigate

10 Use of Non-State Monitoring Concerns on how to deal with non-state monitoring Reference NPS, USFS, BLM, EPA, Tribal, Other Non-reference USFS, NOAA, DRI, GO3 Project, Private, Municipal, Other Issues: How to handle exceptional event data and flagging? How to handle violations with non-state reference analyzers? How to handle violations with non-reference analyzers? Inclusion in monitoring plans?

11 Community/Citizen Monitoring Lot of new technologies upcoming Smaller Easier to use Some good, some questionable Data readily available via internet Question: How much citizen involvement is desired for monitoring? Need to focus efforts on what are really the issues, not just the perceptions Need better coordination on sensor apps Need better communication with communities EPA holding stakeholder meetings

12 Funding Near-road NO2 Phase 1 awarded by end of July 2012 Working on securing $5 million for Phase 2 in 2013 PM2.5 transition from 103 to 105 Start in FY 2013 (…assuming not under a CR) 10% per year over 4 years PAMS transition Link to 2014 O3 NAAQS FY 2015 or 2016 earliest for network change $2.2 million available IMPROVE Static or decreasing budget Some site to be cut or sample frequency decrease

13 Next MSC meeting January 9-10, 2013 in San Diego Questions?

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