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Full-Scale Ground-Based Inerting ___________________________________ AAR-422 Fire Safety R&D July 17-18, 2001 International Aircraft Systems Fire Protection.

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Presentation on theme: "Full-Scale Ground-Based Inerting ___________________________________ AAR-422 Fire Safety R&D July 17-18, 2001 International Aircraft Systems Fire Protection."— Presentation transcript:

1 Full-Scale Ground-Based Inerting ___________________________________ AAR-422 Fire Safety R&D July 17-18, 2001 International Aircraft Systems Fire Protection Working Group Wilson, NC Full Scale GBI Testing with B747 SP

2 Full-Scale Ground-Based Inerting ___________________________________ AAR-422 Fire Safety R&D Background Focus of the Testing is to Better Quantify the Parameters that Effect the Benefit of GBI –Wind and Weather –Equipment Usage –Cross Venting Study Manifold Design Study the Cost and Benefit of Potential OBIGG Systems. Platform to Examine Cross Flow Reduction Methods

3 Full-Scale Ground-Based Inerting ___________________________________ AAR-422 Fire Safety R&D Boeing 747 SP

4 Full-Scale Ground-Based Inerting ___________________________________ AAR-422 Fire Safety R&D Work Completed Wrote Research Plan and Testing Safety Plan Have a Preliminary Schedule –Start Testing 8-6-01 –Test for 12 Weeks Obtained Aircraft –Located Preliminary Parking Spot –Have Most Support Equipment Required Began Installing Testing Control Center and Instrumentation. CWT has Been Opened and Cleaned and is Ready to be Modified

5 Full-Scale Ground-Based Inerting ___________________________________ AAR-422 Fire Safety R&D Instrumentation Planned Gas Sample Tubing –Sample Oxygen at Eight Locations in the CWT –Sample THC at Any Two of Those Locations –Sample Oxygen in Surge Tanks, Dry Bay Thermocouples –8 in Fuel –8 in Ullage –16 Mounted on Interior Wall Surfaces Plan to Measure Pressure in Tank Bays Record NEA Volume Flow and Oxygen Concentration

6 Full-Scale Ground-Based Inerting ___________________________________ AAR-422 Fire Safety R&D 747 SP Gas Sample Locations Dry Bay 1 3 56 2 4 78

7 Full-Scale Ground-Based Inerting ___________________________________ AAR-422 Fire Safety R&D Potential Instrumentation Improvements Measure NEA Flow and Purity Directly THC Measurements at Surge Tank Wind Speed and Direction ?

8 Full-Scale Ground-Based Inerting ___________________________________ AAR-422 Fire Safety R&D Pending Work Modify CWT –NEA Delivery System –Thermocouples –Sample Tubing Complete Installation of DAS and Control Room Get NEA Source on Site Do End-to-End Signal Check

9 Full-Scale Ground-Based Inerting ___________________________________ AAR-422 Fire Safety R&D Full Scale GBI System Diagram Ground Heat/HVAC Ground Power Movable Stairway Ground Based NEA Supply NEA Hose Reel Tug Tow Bar

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