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1 Investor Introduction, Q2 2010. Welcome Edmodo for Schools and Districts Presenter: Ben Wilkoff Online Community Manager

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Presentation on theme: "1 Investor Introduction, Q2 2010. Welcome Edmodo for Schools and Districts Presenter: Ben Wilkoff Online Community Manager"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Investor Introduction, Q2 2010

2 Welcome Edmodo for Schools and Districts Presenter: Ben Wilkoff Online Community Manager

3 What is Edmodo? Launched in 2008, Edmodo was created to address the demands of teachers and students seeking a secure social network for classroom use. Currently used by over 1.4 million users, Edmodo is: A free social learning network for teachers, students, parents, schools and districts. A secure and easy way to post classroom materials, share links and videos, and access homework, grades and school notices. A storage and sharing platform for all forms of digital content – blogs, links, pictures, video, documents, presentations, and more. Accessible online or using any mobile device, including Android and iOS. Edmodo has special institutional features for schools and districts that can be accessed for free by administrators.

4 4 The Overview Introductions Why Apply for a School or District Subdomain? What can an Administrator do? What does an Edmodo school look like? How do I sign up? Q&A

5 5 Why apply for a Subdomain? Oversight Set up Schools Reset School Codes Remove Users Reset Passwords Instant Communities School and District-Wide Staff, Parents, Students Analytics Measure Participation Track overall use

6 6 What is an Administrator? School-Wide or District Wide Account tracking and reset Same login for maintaining groups and admin Community Tending

7 7 What does an Edmodo School Look Like? Knowledge Sharing

8 8 What does an Edmodo School Look Like? Alerts and Reminders

9 9 What does an Edmodo School Look Like? Instant Feedback

10 10 What does an Edmodo School Look Like? School-Wide Initiatives

11 11 How do I sign up? s

12 12 What do I do then?

13 13 Investor Introduction, Q2 2010 Q & A What Questions do you have? Edmodo Support Send questions to: Technical: General: Ben Wilkoff: benBen Wilkoff:

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