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Fronter 92 and the road ahead Nils Olav Sundsteigen UK Partner Manager LGfL conference, 6 th July 2009 (not for distribution to other than participants.

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Presentation on theme: "Fronter 92 and the road ahead Nils Olav Sundsteigen UK Partner Manager LGfL conference, 6 th July 2009 (not for distribution to other than participants."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fronter 92 and the road ahead Nils Olav Sundsteigen UK Partner Manager LGfL conference, 6 th July 2009 (not for distribution to other than participants at LGfL conference)

2 Agenda So far, so good… Copy room and EOY/SOY Fronter 92 Online reporting Road map What if…

3 Since last conference 15 th July 20086 th July 2009 Number of schools ordered London MLE6591193 LA’s with schools in the London MLE2931 Number of administrators/teachers trained8701370 Number of accredited trainers87 Number of LA training sessions164341 Number of SLT meetings held (1+2)4821207 Number of MIS integrations in operation422948 Schools in phase 7 (so far)177

4 Copy room

5 EOY for the teachers and pupils “Your mother does not work here…” All rooms must be tidied up Archive rooms you want to keep Allows pupils to access last years’ work, courses and content

6 SOY for teachers and pupils All new rooms will be created automatically (MIS synchronisation) Teachers and pupils will automatically be enrolled into the right rooms The room is not visible for a pupil until the teacher has activated it!


8 Fronter 92 NB: The last release based on the old release cycle Room copy EOY/SOY Goal module Open API Webfronter improvements Creaza Support of integrations with RM's Integris G2 MIS ILP (will be released during the autumn) Page (will be released during the autumn)

9 Open API The API makes it easier for external companies to integrate with Fronter

10 ILP and Goal module





15 Parental Portal “To what extent can/will London MLE meet the requirements of parental reporting set out by Education Minister Jim Knight in January 2008?” – Governmental target is for Secondary – 2010 Primary – 2012

16 What has Fronter done so far? Engaged with Sims and all other major MIS providers to agree scope Engaged with LGfL and LAs across the UK to discuss requirements, scope, functionality, timelines etc Implemented the functionalities/standards needed to import/export data between Fronter and the MIS Worked closely with BECTA to make sure that the solution complies with all mandatory requirements Issued positional paper

17 Our solution Work in progress… Locally installed client Extact data from ALL MIS systems Parent Portal will present information within Fronter Phase 1 - Attendance & Assessment information Working demo by BETT 2010? Support for Sims Learning Gateway

18 Work in progress… Parents will be able to view useful reports regarding their children Students will be able to see data within the Learning Environment from the MIS as schools prescribe Teachers will be able to take advantage of MIS data in the classroom and at home when designing lessons and / or courses

19 Fronter Road Map


21 What if… Fronter could be your operating system for learning…

22 Dates Fronter 92 release – 24 th September Autumn Reference Groups  Primary – 12 th October  Secondary – 13 th October

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