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ISLN-November 19, 2015 Agenda from October 2015 Materials can be accessed at 1 NOTE: Makeup meeting scheduled for Wed.

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Presentation on theme: "ISLN-November 19, 2015 Agenda from October 2015 Materials can be accessed at 1 NOTE: Makeup meeting scheduled for Wed."— Presentation transcript:

1 ISLN-November 19, 2015 Agenda from October 2015 Materials can be accessed at 1 NOTE: Makeup meeting scheduled for Wed. Dec 9 8:30-12:30

2 AGENDA The Adaptable Mind- Five Qualities to Thrive in the 21st Century Social Studies Overview- Making Meaning Protocol, EQuip Rubric Science Overview- looking at low and high cognitive demand on students, tying evidence statements into tasks with HCD Developing and Sustaining an Effective DLT- Brainswarm and Strategy Profile protocols, looking at TL strategic plans, Wrap-up

3  Kentucky’s Academic Standards  Characteristics of Highly Effective Teaching and Learning – CHETL  Assessment Literacy  Leadership

4 Pausing Paraphrasing Providing Data Posing Questions Presume Positive Intentions Putting Ideas on the Table Paying Attention Norms of Collaboration

5 Year at a Glance

6 6 Table Discussions…  What excites you most about the message of the adaptable mind?  How can you, as district leaders, help teachers develop and sustain the characteristics of curiosity, creativity, initiative, multi-disciplinary thought and empathy?

7 Social Studies Making Meaning Protocol Equip-Like Rubric Target-Method Match

8 SSTLN October Review October Review: What is good practice? How do I know? Making Meaning Protocol (KASSS Draft Standard) MS Econ Standard (least comfortable) Peer Feedback / Self-Reflection of Inquiry Based Units (teachers are designing based on KASSS) Formative Assessment QFT minute-to-minute, day-to-day to inform instruction Analyze their formative assessments from the IBUs they are designing (using Target Method Match) Brainswarm / Strategy Profile: What is our DLT doing to ensure quality instruction and assessment in the classroom?

9 Resources Provided and Utilized by SS Teachers through CKEC SS Teacher Leader Network Making Meaning Protocol Used to make meaning of standards, examine connections within DCC’s, and across the curriculum Equip-Like Rubric Used to analyze units to ensure high quality planning and instruction Target-Method Match Used to connect supporting questions to formative assessments to what teachers want their students to be able to know/do

10 Making Meaning Protocol Table: review the architecture of KASSS Draft (5 min) *Read the narrative page at the beginning of your assigned grade Individual: Make sense of the overall intent of the anchor. Look at the assigned anchor standard. Notice the other anchors within the DCC to distinguish the intent of this anchor from others. (5 min) Consider other anchors in the same DCC, progressions, narrative:  What are the key words and/or key concepts for learning?  What is the relationship between the concepts?  What will students need to know or do to show mastery?  What is the intent of the standard/learning? Table: Use the table copy of the MMP to make meaning of the ANCHOR standard. (5 min) Consider key vocabulary related to concepts, rigor, what students need to know or do, etc.

11 MMP, con… Individual: Examine the standard at the top of your MMP. (5 min) On your individual MPP, ask as many questions possible this standard. Questions should get to the heart of what we want students to answer in order to master the standards. Think about these to generate questions: Key words and/or key concepts for learning? What do students need to know/do/show to demonstrate mastery? What is the intent of the standard/learning? Table: Share out your questions and decide on the best ones (5 min) *These questions, if answered by students, would demonstrate mastery of this standard*

12 MMP, con… Table: From each set of questions generated for the grade level standards, make a list of big ideas or concepts/strands. Document final decisions on your individual MPP (5 min) Ex: community, rules, collaboration, cause and effect, relationships, interdependency, etc. Continually look back to narrative page as well as other standards within the DCC. Also, think about how a particular concept develops from elementary to middle to high school. Check it: Do the big ideas/concepts meet the intent of the anchor and narrative? Table: Discuss suggested CONTEXT for teaching the big ideas within the grade level. (5 min) This is a suggested list representing an early attempt to determine content/context. Connect your grade-level standard to potential grade-level standards in other DCC, or even other content areas. What other standards could you logically cluster in order to plan curriculum? Document suggestions on table copy of your MPP.

13 Equip-Like Rubric Analyze units to ensure high quality planning and instruction




17 ISLN Equip-like Rubric Exploration Dimension 1 Exploration (5 min):  Review the 11 th grade inquiry-based unit from New York: Why Was the US on the Winning Side of World War II?  Individually; highlight/underline unfamiliar terms; become familiar with format and structure. Dimension 2 & 3 Application (15 min):  Examine this New York IBU through the lens of Dimensions 2 & 3 of the Equip Rubric.  Share evidence at your table.

18 How did the process go as you used Equip and the new standards for the first time? How could using the Equip rubric ensure we address the characteristics of section three (Instructional Rigor and Student Engagement) of CHETL for SS? How could the Equip rubric be used to gather evidence of 1E in the FfT? What rating (Inefficient through Exemplary) would you give this inquiry based on evidence to support 1E in the FfT? Questions for Reflection

19 Target- Method Match Connect supporting questions to formative assessments to what teachers want their students to be able to know/do

20 November Preview: How can professional learning support the growth of all educators? Professional learning survey – provide resources at a later meeting Professional development vs. Professional learning Professional learning perspectives from all stakeholders (teacher, principal, supt); analyze their district’s continuous cycle of improvement Complete grade-level New York IBU (student perspective) Create “PLC Priority Plan” from January-May (vertically align with other district members, protocols/resources that could be utilized from SSTLN) SSTLN November Preview

21 AGENDA Looking at Data: What science data are you using? Setting Goals and Selecting Tasks Tying Evidence Statements to Tasks Self-Assessment of How You’re Using FA Your Rubric is a Hot Mess-Here’s How to Fix It Revisiting DLT’s

22 22

23 23 Setting Goals and Selecting Tasks

24 24

25 25 Your Rubric is a Hot Mess Here’s How to Fix It

26 November Agenda How can PROFESSIONAL LEARNING support the growth of all educators? Professional learning survey Professional development vs. Professional learning Dr. Pruitt’s KSTA Message to KY Science Teachers Top PE Struggles More Work with Evidence Statements, Tasks and Rubrics Formative Assessment Strategies PLC Priorities Jan-May

27 Pausing Paraphrasing Providing Data Posing Questions Presume Positive Intentions Putting Ideas on the Table Paying Attention Norms of Collaboration

28 Brainswarm: 1.Individually think and jot thoughts on post- its (5 min) 2.Group synthesis: eliminate duplicates, group similar ideas, reach consensus (5 min) Strategy Profiles Protocol: Take your SC and SS profiles Look for similarities between your Brainswarm ideas and the profiles already created. Develop a strategy for your district Share out one strategy WRITE YOUR DISTRICT NAME, HERE

29 Unpack the Day What is good practice? How do you know? Today’s connections Next meeting: Dec. 9 – Register on Terry’s network link by clicking on the date! Evaluations Happy Thanksgiving!

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