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EU GROUP OF EXPERTS “ EQF IN SPORT ” Wednesday, 26 september 2012 Poznan / POLAND Michel Sablon Jira Panel Member.

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Presentation on theme: "EU GROUP OF EXPERTS “ EQF IN SPORT ” Wednesday, 26 september 2012 Poznan / POLAND Michel Sablon Jira Panel Member."— Presentation transcript:

1 EU GROUP OF EXPERTS “ EQF IN SPORT ” Wednesday, 26 september 2012 Poznan / POLAND Michel Sablon Jira Panel Member

2 N O W

3 1.Where did we come from? 2.Where are we now? 3.Where are we going? UEFA COACH EDUCATION KEY QUESTIONS

4 N O W

5 1.Where did we come from? 2.Where are we now? 3.Where are we going? UEFA COACH EDUCATION KEY QUESTIONS

6 1991Executive Committee 1995Jira Commission  1st Coach Ed. Conference  1st Coach Ed. Course 1998 Convention signed 2005Re-Evaluation Club Licencing 200853 Convention Members KEY DATES

7 Why did UEFA introduce the Coaching Convention and the development programme?

8 1.Raise standards 2.Coaching profession 3.Create mutual recognition 4.Greater exchange 5.Establish guidelines 6.Provide Guidance / Support 7.Football in Control UEFA COACH EDUCATION PROGRAMME WHY?

9 N O W

10 1.Where did we come from? 2.Where are we now? 3.Where are we going? UEFA COACH EDUCATION KEY QUESTIONS

11 CONVENTION STATISTICS (Training of coaches) Members: Pro/A/B:45 Including 5 partnerships ---------------- A/B:8 Last update 10.02.2009

12 UEFA CONVENTION (UEFA Endorsed Licences) 2011: 53 Members => 161,086


14 UEFA Endorsement PRO / A / B / A-Youth National Qualification  Goalkeeping  Futsal  Fitness  Age-Specific Coaching  Disability Football DIPLOMA RECOGNITION

15 1.The UEFA Coaching Convention (Educating student coaches) a)The endorsement programme b)The pro student exchange 2.UEFA Further Education (Supporting frontline coaches/staff) a)Specialised events/courses b)The Study Group Scheme UEFA’s COACH EDUCATION PROGRAMME


17  All 53 member associations have signed the Coaching Convention Contract  UEFA Directives approved by the UEFA Executive Committee CONVENTION CONTRACT & UEFA DIRECTIVES UEFA COACHING CONVENTION Contract 2009

18 Last update 10.02.2009 EARMARKED FUNDING Convention members receive an important amount per year from UEFA (Since 2008/2009 onwards)



21 N O W

22 1.Where did we come from? 2.Where are we now? 3.Where are we going? UEFA COACH EDUCATION KEY QUESTIONS

23 Need to identify the competences and proceed to develop them in a realistic environment COACH EDUCATION

24 JIRA TARGETS 2012/2013 1.Clarify 1.ClarifyCross-Border Guidelines 2.Address 2.AddressCredibility Issues 3.Increase 3.IncreasePro Membership 4.Continue 4.ContinueRe-evaluations 5.Increase 5.IncreaseA-youth Membership

25 JIRA TARGETS 2012/2013 6.Organise 6.Organise Pro Exchange Courses 7.Produce 7.Produce Goalkeeping DVDs 8.Direct 8.Direct 10 th Conference for European National Coaches, 2012 9.Plan 9.Plan 10 th Coach Education Workshop, 2013 10.Re-examine 10.Re-examine Convention Criteria

26 How do we maintain the credibility of the UEFA Coaching Convention? CREDIBILITY


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