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The Quest of royalty Click to continuecontinue Contains modern violence and some bloody scenes.

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Presentation on theme: "The Quest of royalty Click to continuecontinue Contains modern violence and some bloody scenes."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Quest of royalty Click to continuecontinue Contains modern violence and some bloody scenes

2 This is your hero Harold

3 You are Sir Harold, Knight and Prince of Balbion. You are strong and wise. You go to Westcliff, a city in the kingdom of Balbion. You go to Westcliff centre. You hear a warning story told by a drunken guy but no one believes him. You have a feeling that its true. If you want to be king click here. here If not click herehere

4 You go back to the castle in Fairfax gardens your farther tells you the same story that the drunken guy was telling he offers you to go on a quest. You are allowed to take a friend to help you who will you choose? Gabriel Gabriel RobinRobin

5 You are A great and powerful king you have power over all of creation. Click herehere

6 You have been assassinated your journey ends here and the city of Balbion burns in flames. Everybody dies Start againagain

7 You and your friend Gabriel sharpen your swords and spears pack your knives, daggers and throwing stars and set off on your journey click to begin journeybegin journey


9 You and gab begin your journey but soon enough you bump in to a band of goblins If you wish to fight them click hereclick here If not click hereclick here


11 You and Robin start your journey you come a fork in the path which way do you want to go? EastEast? West?



14 After travelling for a while you come to an old rope bridge used centuries ago you start to walk across but stop in the middle. If you want to keep going click hereclick here If not click here



17 You walk through the forest until you hear a slight scream you look behind you and robin is gone! Click here

18 You walk and search until you see a rope underneath your feet. You look up. Swords and spears are hanging from a rope. You soon realise that if you trip over the rope the weapons will fall on you. Suddenly you here a noise from the trees. If you want to investigate lets golets go If not click hereclick here

19 You go and investigate. You soon see your friend tied up to a tree unconscious. You walk towards him. Cautious and aware of the risks you run up to Robin and untie him. He is now conscious and you are happy that nothing bad happened you continue on your journey. Continue

20 You keep going and successfully make it across and continue on your journey until you come face to face with a goblin! If you wish to fight the goblin click here click here If your a coward and not brave click here click here

21 You both swing your swords at the goblin but his strenth,skill and will is to powerful for you and your friend Click hereClick here…

22 You continue on your journey

23 Your journey ends here You die you and your friend perish and your skulls rot away eaten by the goblin Start againagain

24 You fight them for a while but you all hear a horn suddenly a beautiful woman jumps down She kills them all for you and all her guards jump down as well click to continueclick to continue

25 You run the horrible creatures chase you and hunt you down they tie you up and make human stew Start again

26 you see an old deserted house you walk in where do you want to go cellar or living roomcellarliving room

27 You walk in the cellar cautiously you see an axe on the floor do you want to pick it up

28 You both walk to the living room. You see an axe if you want to pick it up Click here if not click herehereif not click here

29 They examine you and you and your friend soon realize her guards are black assassins. Your friend Gab asks them if they want to come and join you on your quest she accepts click here

30 You both try to walk back but suddenly you hear a roar like no other you look up a dragon fly's towards you he shoots fire at the rope bridge you fall and plunge to your death Start again

31 You pick up thee axe and put it in you're back pack suddenly you see a vampire! If you want to fight it click hereclick here If not than click hereclick here

32 You all start travelling and she takes you to her den you eat and soon enough you see her son with a DRAGON! Click on picture

33 You realize this kid can become of use you talk to him he says he will think about it he gives you a knife continue

34 You swing your axe towards the vampires you chop its head of and it is dead Click to continue

35 You run. The vampire chases you and drinks your blood until you're dry you are dead. Robin tries to run as well but he stops for a breath between two houses. Vampires surround him and eat him for supper. You are both dead. Death is always around the corner from you. Start again

36 You continue you go to the front door you feel heat coming off the door if you want to turn back click here if not click hereclick here

37 You go to his mum you turn your back and she pulls a knife out secretly only your friend notices he calls you over to a corner and tells you he has a go at her If you believe him click hereclick here If not click hereclick here

38 You run and get away just in time you continue your journey… You see a mysterious man walking through the forest Click to continue

39 You continue on your journey you are walking through the forest and suddenly… Click on pic

40 You wake up in a big dark room a girl walks in she tells you everything even who the man in the forest was and that her mum is an assassin suddenly her mum walks in

41 She stabs you in your leg suddenly you realize that robin is gone AGAIN! She is put out to assassinate you If you want to ask her where robin is click here If not click here

42 You believe your friend and you get the knife that kid gave you earlier you get it out. but you love her so if you want to kill her click here. If you want to take her to the sheriff click here.

43 You don’t believe him he has a go at her you tell him to time out the woman kills you while he is outside you are dead try AGAIN

44 You turn back you search down stairs there is nothing there suddenly you hear a noise from upstairs. If you want to investigate click hereclick here If not click hereclick here

45 You open the door a dragon comes from around the corner it turns you into ashes You are dead Try again

46 You go upstairs and a weird creature jumps out of the a box he pulls the future from the box it’s a gun like never before E.V.I.L has been unleashed. If you want to fight him click hereclick here If not and run click hereclick here


48 You go to kill her but she is to fast for you. She goes to stab you with a knife. You grab her hand and through the knife out she grabs her sword and slices you in half you are dead. Try again

49 Your friend sneaks up behind her and whacks her she is K.O’ed FOR NOW you take her to the sheriff she gets hanged

50 You run at him suddenly you feel a burn of energy inside of you, you feel angry suddenly a fire ball comes from you’re hands you are about to kill him until he tells you about his prisoner the princess the one you love he says he will kill her if you attack Fight be a coward


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