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Mr. Warner’s Classroom Procedures (How we’ll all be successful this year.)

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Presentation on theme: "Mr. Warner’s Classroom Procedures (How we’ll all be successful this year.)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mr. Warner’s Classroom Procedures (How we’ll all be successful this year.)

2 “Inspirational quotes are only as effective as the person reading them.” -Mr. Warner “Teachers open the door. Students must enter.” -Chinese proverb “Supposing is good, but finding out is better.” -Mark Twain

3 About your teacher: 15 years in the radio business 10+ years teaching and tutoring including SAT, ACT, GRE, GMAT, and STAAR

4 About this class What does it mean to: ◦Be a critical thinker? ◦Be a consumer of news? ◦Communicate effectively? ◦Produce relevant, stimulating content? How you answer these questions now should be different than how you answer them at the end of the year.

5 Q: what is a procedure? (And why do we have them?) Short answer: a way of getting something done How would you instruct an alien to make a phone call using a cell phone? What steps are essential to completing that task?

6 Student (that’s you) responsibilities: 1. Show up ready to participate 2. Pay attention3. Ask questions4. Do the work 5. Follow classroom procedures 6. Don’t quit

7 Teacher (that’s me) responsibilities: 1. Provide a positive, consistent learning environment 2. Give help when you need it 3. Motivate you to do your best 4. Provide quality, engaging instruction 5. Not quit on you

8 When I need your attention

9 At the beginning of each class: Go to your seat. Begin the teaser assignment on the board. If the class period has announcements, listen to them! If homework is due, place it on the corner of your desk. One time my dog actually did eat my homework! (I still turned it in.)

10 Teaser assignment Will be on the board at the beginning of each class and the first thing you do. Always at the top of the next new page in your notebook. Example: This “Singapore math problem” has been going around social media. Have you seen it? Can you solve it? Do you enjoy or hate these kinds of problems?

11 Late to Class? There’s a procedure for that! 1. Follow school policy. 2. Enter quietly. 3. Place tardy slip on Mr. Warner’s desk. (you must have a tardy slip from the office or another teacher.) 4. Check the board for missed work. 5. Continue with the class.

12 Turning in Work Every assignment (hand-written or typed) should have this heading, every time.  Blue or black ink only. No exceptions unless specifically noted for an assignment.  No thingies leftover from ripping page out of a notebook. (Yes, “thingies” is the technical term.)

13 Missing Assignments If you are absent: Check with another student to get class notes. Check the make- up work folder. If you didn’t do an assignment Fill out and turn in a missing assignment slip in place of the homework. Make up the work to get partial credit.

14 Class Rules (not suggestions) 1.Respect your classroom and classmates. 2.Be prepared and ready to participate. 3.Follow guidelines for group interaction (more to come on this). 4.We follow the district policy on cell phones (more on this, too). (No, not this kind of rule.)

15 Class/group interaction “Time spent arguing is, oddly enough, almost never wasted.” -Christopher Hitchens With that in mind... Argue respectfully. No personal attacks. Give each other a chance to talk. If we want to see two or three people yelling at each other, we’ll turn on cable news. When using the “talking tool,” you may only speak when it’s in your possession. No exceptions.

16 Working in groups Speaking volume scale: 1 – whispering 3 – group work voice 5 – normal talking voice 10 – screaming at the top of your lungs Stay on task. You are responsible for your own work. Ask and answer questions within the group. Help each other first. Ask Mr. Warner only when the group cannot come to an agreement.

17 Cell Phone policy Technology, including the use of a smart phone, is an integral part of effectively communicating in society today. Having said that… Your primary responsibility is to communicate within this classroom. Cell phones will be permitted in certain situations. If you have a cell phone out when you are not supposed to, I will follow the district’s cell phone guidelines and procedures.

18 When there is a substitute teacher Give the substitute teacher the same respect, attention, and courtesy you would any guest of the class. Expect to work. Substitutes will have a lesson and you will be responsible for its content. Follow the same classroom procedures with the substitute you do any other day of the year.

19 At the end of class Mr. Warner dismisses class, not the bell. Before you leave, make sure your work area is neat and in the original condition in which you found it. Turn in any class assignments (following correct work procedures) to the proper tray on you way out.

20 What can you expect out of this class? That depends on you. Here’s what I expect from you: 1. Have fun. 2. Be productive. 3. Most importantly, I want you to learn and grow. Be a better communicator; think more critically; be more engaging in your story telling.

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