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Based on an earlier presentation made at the BCLA Annual Conference in 2010 Prepared for Pan-Canadian RDA Training by: Linda Woodcock, Technical Services.

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Presentation on theme: "Based on an earlier presentation made at the BCLA Annual Conference in 2010 Prepared for Pan-Canadian RDA Training by: Linda Woodcock, Technical Services."— Presentation transcript:

1 Based on an earlier presentation made at the BCLA Annual Conference in 2010 Prepared for Pan-Canadian RDA Training by: Linda Woodcock, Technical Services Librarian, Kwantlen Polytechnic University Module 3 Introducing RDA : Resource Description and Access

2 Let’s review Quiz RDA Module 3

3 The sections of RDA fall into two main categories. They are a)Description & Access b)Recording attributes & Recording relationships c)FRBR & FRAD RDA Module 3

4 When does RDA require abbreviations? a) Never b) Only for words on list in Appendix B c) Only if abbreviations appear on the resource itself RDA Module 3

5 RDA guidelines include a list of required elements. This list is the: a) Minimal level attribute set b) Core element set c) Required Data set RDA Module 3

6 What RDA element replaces the general material designation? a)Description of the format of the storage medium b)Description of the type of device required to view the content c)Description of the type of content contained in the resource d)All of the above RDA Module 3

7 RDA does not allow the correction of errors found on the resource. True or False RDA does not allow libraries to use ISBD punctuation. True or False RDA Module 3

8 RDA directs the cataloguer to take information needed for the description from: a)Any source b)The chief source c)The preferred source RDA Module 3

9 The preferred source of information for a work consisting of one or more pages of text is: a)The cover b)The title page c)The whole resource RDA Module 3

10 RDA requires the use of square brackets [ ] a)To indicate information that was not found on the preferred source b)To indicate information that was supplied from outside the resource c)Never RDA Module 3

11 RDA guidelines will require cataloguers to change their capitalization practice True or False RDA descriptions will not contain any punctuation. True or False RDA Module 3

12 RDA records will be encoded using: a)Dublin Core b)MARC21 c)MARCXML d)Any of the above RDA Module 3


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