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Habsburg Family Crest. Holy Roman Empire: 1750 Austrian Empire: 1657-1718.

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Presentation on theme: "Habsburg Family Crest. Holy Roman Empire: 1750 Austrian Empire: 1657-1718."— Presentation transcript:

1 Habsburg Family Crest

2 Holy Roman Empire: 1750

3 Austrian Empire: 1657-1718

4 Schönbrunn Palace


6 Prussia  Hohenzollern family ruled Frederick William ‘Great Elector’ Frederick William ‘Great Elector’ Frederick I ‘First King of Prussia’ Frederick I ‘First King of Prussia’ Frederick William I ‘Soldier King’ Frederick William I ‘Soldier King’ Frederick II ‘The Great’ Frederick II ‘The Great’ Junkers Junkers  Small country with little resources & population, but powerful!!!!!!!!!!  PRUSSIA IS AN ARMY WITH A STATE!

7 Hohenzollern Genealogy (1)

8 Hohenzollern Genealogy (2)

9 Prussian Family Crest

10 Prussia & the Austrian Empire: 1721-72

11 Frederick William…the Great Elector R. 1640-1688 Why did he rise to power? Leader of Prussia Worked with Junkers to consolidate power Due to TYW & Tartar attacks Military Lover No real tax system Most $$$ went to military

12 King Frederick I of Prussia (r.1701-1713) Formerly: Frederick III of Brandenburg (r. 1688-1701) Formerly: Frederick III of Brandenburg (r. 1688-1701) First king of Prussia Ostentatious

13 (r.1713-1740) ‘Soldier King’ Establishes Absolutism Bizarre affection for soldiers Builds best Army in the world… ’Sparta of the North’ Very effective Government Participated in the Great Northern War (1700-1721) General peace during his reign

14 Frederick the Great (r. 1740-1786) Mainly into the arts and the enlightenment Considered an enlightened despot Hated military, but a lot of wars during his reign Attacks Austria after Charles Vi dies….starts War of Austrian Succession

15 Russia  Very backwards, compared to Western Europe  Ivan III & IV drove out Mongols with help of streltsy  Had harsh rule for serfdom  Orthodox church opposed social and religious change

16 Peter the Great  Wanted to westernize Russia  Toured western Europe after becoming tsar, but returned due to streltsy and boyars were rebelling  Loved technology, science, and industry  Created schools, hospitals, the Academy of Science and first navy and modern army  Was ruthless and brutal  Created a tax system to pay for reforms  Outlawed beards and ‘typical’ Russian clothing

17 Peter the Great  Table of Ranks can raise social status if contribute to state  Great Northern War –defeated Swedes to control Baltic Sea  Treaty of Nystadt – gained land on the Baltic to build St. Petersburg  Reforms helped upper class mainly.  Russia became a world power, but still behind western Europe.

18 Europe in 1740

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