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ABSOLUTISM CONSTITUTIONALISM. On a piece of paper create two columns and title one column Absolutism and the other Constitutionalism. Now contrast the.

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2 On a piece of paper create two columns and title one column Absolutism and the other Constitutionalism. Now contrast the two forms of government based on what the words conjure up in your mind.

3 Characteristics of Absolutism  “I am the State”  Divine Right--word was final & infallible, but not arbitrary  Monarch controlled any legislative body  All power vested in the Monarch  People must submit to Monarch’s law or they will experience the violence of their passions--Monarch restrains license & provides order in the jungle JUSTIFICATION:  Monarchy the most common, the oldest and most natural form of government  Nature--father--paternal authority--born subjects ROYAL AUTHORITY IS SACRED, PATERNAL, ABSOLUTE AND RULED BY REASON! (Bishop Bossuet--1627-1704)

4 ParkCourtyard Hall of Mirrors

5 POSSIBLE VOCABULARY Henry IV (r. 1589-1610) Colbert Edict of Nantes (1598)Revocation of Edict of Nantes (1685) Nobility of the RobeWar - Spanish Succession(1702-13) Duke of SullyPeace of Utrecht (1713) Louis XIII (r. 1610-1643)Brandonburg-Prussia Marie de MedicisFrederick William-Great Elector 1640-88 Cardinal Richelieu (p.1624-1642)Junkers Cardinal Mazarin (p.1643-1661)Frederick I (r. 1688-1713) Louis XIV (r. 1643-1715)Leopold I (r.1657-1705) FondeJan Sobieski (r. 1674-1696) Jean RacineSiege of Vienna (1683) Jean-Baptiste MoliereIvan IV (r.1533-84) The Terrible BaroqueTime of Troubles (1584-1613) Michael Ramanov (r.1613-1645)

6 POSSIBLE VOCABULARY Peter The Great (r. 1689-1725)Levellers (Social Justice) Gustavus Adolphus (r. 1611-1632)Rump Parliament Charles XII (r. 1697-1718)Commonwealth (1649-1660) Battle of Poltava (1709)Lord Protector (1543) Treaty of Nystad (1721)Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679) Henry VIII (r. 1509-1547)The Leviathan (1651) Act of Supremacy (1534)Charles II (r.1660-1685) James I (r. 1603-1625)Samuel Pepys (Diaries) PuritansJohn Bunyan, Pilgrim’s Progress PilgrimsTest Act - 1673 Charles I (r. 1625-1649)James II (r. 1685-1688) Long Parliament (1640-1653)The Glorius Revolution CavaliersWilliam & Mary RoundheadsBill of Rights (1689) Oliver CromwellJohn Locke (1623-1704)

7 CONSTITUTIONALISM ENGLAND –English Civil War – 1640-1660 –Restoration - 1660 –Glorious Revolution - 1688 HOLLAND –Republic of the 7 Provinces 1581-1795 –Dutch Golden Age

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