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 Complete the review sheet on the Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment for Thursday.  Test on the Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment.

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Presentation on theme: " Complete the review sheet on the Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment for Thursday.  Test on the Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment."— Presentation transcript:

1  Complete the review sheet on the Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment for Thursday.  Test on the Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment Friday ◦ Multiple Choice ◦ Matching Questions ◦ Short Answer Questions

2  Do Now: Complete the Enlightenment Matching Quiz.

3 A. As the spirit and ideas of the Enlightenment spread through Europe, some monarchs become enlightened despots (absolute rulers who follow some Enlightenment ideas). Frederick II Catherine the GreatJoseph II (Prussia) (Russia)(Austria)

4 A. Many rulers learned about Enlightenment ideas from Diderot’s Encyclopedia (1772): 35 volume work, explained new ideas in art, science, government and religion. B. Encyclopedia criticized the church, government and legal system. As a result, the French government tried to stop publication in 1759. C. Last volumes were completed in secret, but the book was a huge success!

5 A. Reforms – Influenced by Voltaire ◦ Elementary education for all children ◦ Abolished torture ◦ Supported most forms of religious tolerance ◦ Reduced censorship

6 B. Limitations ◦ No religious tolerance for Jews ◦ Refused to free serfs from the land ◦ Did not make reforms to achieve justice but to make his own rule more powerful

7 A. Reforms – Based on letters with Voltaire and Diderot ◦ Drafted a new Russian constitution to allow religious tolerance and abolish torture and the death penalty. ◦ Gave money to Diderot to finance his encyclopedia

8 B. Limitations ◦ The new constitution was never actually put into practice ◦ She intended to free the serfs, but wealthy landowners stopped her. ◦ She eventually became a tyrant and put even more people under serfdom.

9 A. Reforms: ◦ Eliminated torture and the death penalty ◦ Granted religious tolerance to Protestants and Jews ◦ Abolished serfdom ◦ Reduced power of the church ◦ New legal codes

10 B. Limitations: ◦ Changes were resisted by the nobility and the church. After Joseph died, most of his reforms were eliminated.

11  Chloe-Justin-Jake  Luciano- Yeana  Regina - Fitz  Pedro-Kevin  Tim-Je Leah  Oswaldo - Lumin  Alex-Dylan  Douthen-Spiros  Lauren-Yuhan  Dominic- Victor

12  Which ruler do you think was the most enlightened? Which ruler was the least enlightened?  Is it possible to be an absolute ruler and truly follow the ideas of the Enlightenment? Explain.

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