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Fifth Grade Teachers Welcome Parents! We’re glad you are here.

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Presentation on theme: "Fifth Grade Teachers Welcome Parents! We’re glad you are here."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fifth Grade Teachers Welcome Parents! We’re glad you are here.

2 Community Agreements 1.Personal Best – To do one’s best, no matter what happens. 2.Active Listening – Listening with your ears, eyes and heart. 3.Mutual Respect – To treat others better than the way you want to be treated. 4.Appreciations, No Put Downs – To never use words or actions that hurt another. The agreements you follow to be a member of the Woodland Family.

3 Our Classroom Rules Our classroom is a community. In our community, we have rules to help us get along with each other. We also have rules so that every child will have the opportunity to learn. The Class Rules are: 1.Do independent work quietly. 2.Be prepared for class. 3.Turn in neat and accurate work on time. 4.Follow all class procedures. 5.Pay sustained attention during instruction.

4 CRCT Test This is the State test that your child must pass in order to be promoted to the Sixth Grade. Your child must score an 800 or higher on the Reading Portion and the Math Portion of the test. Date – Mid April Subjects: We take the reading, language arts, math, science, and social studies tests.

5 Writing Test –The Georgia Writing Assessment is administered in March 2010 and provides students an opportunity to write on a given topic using all steps of the writing process. This is a state mandated test. –Parents will receive a score report in May with another copy being put in the Permanent Record.

6 CRCT scores Yearly grade averages on report card Principal makes final decision

7 Report Cards Numerical Grades will be given in: Language Arts Reading Math Science Social Studies Numerical Grading scale: 90 – 100 = A 80 – 89 = B 74 – 79 = C 70 – 73 = D 69 – below F Progress Reports will be sent home on the 3 rd and 5 th weeks. Letter Grades will be given in:  Conduct and Social Skills  All specials (art, music, pe) Letter Grading Scale  S – Satisfactory  N – Needs Improvement  U – Unsatisfactory Honor Roll All A – student must have all A’s and S’s (Semester Average) A/B - student must have at least one A and the rest can be B’s and S’s. (Semester Average) Principal’s Award – student must have all A’s and S’s in every area (Every 6 Week period)

8  We have a 2 hour and 10 minute literacy block  Working with Words (vocabulary and spelling)  Reading – to self and to someone else  Listening to Reading  Working on Writing

9 We will be writing: –Personal Narratives –Persuasive Writing –Expository Writing –Summaries We will be using a variety of graphic organizers and outlines.

10 Kinds of sentences Parts of Speech Capitalization Punctuation Usage

11  Multiplication Facts  Division Facts  Word Problems  Fractions  Decimals  Geometry  Measurement  Algebra  The children will have to pass the math portion of the CRCT Test; therefore, it is essential that your child is here each day by 7:30 for extra math support.

12 Topics we will cover include:  Magnets  Electricity  Mixtures and Solutions - matter  Microworlds – cells, identification organisms, atoms, molecules  Landforms – constructive and destructive  Scientific Method

13 We will be learning about history from 1860 – present day which includes:  Map Skills  Civil War  Spanish-American War  World War I and II  Korean War  Cold War  Vietnam  Desert Storm  Operation Freedom

14 Homework For Students We will assign about 50 minutes of homework and 30 minutes of reading daily Monday – Thursday. Each day your child will have: Math – a worksheet or page in the book Vocabulary – activities as assigned by teacher Reading – Read a library book for the Accelerated Reader program or a book of his/her choice (a minimum of 30 minutes per night/2 points per week) Other – Your child will also have a grammar and science/social studies assignment each week.

15 1 Day Late is a 50% 2 Days Late is a 0% For every day it is late, 10 points will be taken off of the final grade

16 Homework for Parents  Sign the agenda  Review and reinforce difficult skills as needed.  Return the work in the weekly folder. Red Tuesday Folder.  Maintain open communication between home and school. Ways to help your child be successful in school:

17 Ways to contact Fifth Grade Teachers 1.Write a note in your child’s agenda. 2.Send an email through the school’s website. We will return the email within 24 hrs. 3.Write us a letter and send it in with your child in an envelope. 4.Call the school and leave a message. We will return the call within 24 hours. 5.Schedule a conference.

18 With your support, this is going to be a Wonderful Year!

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