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STUDY SKILLS 101 More tips you can use!. Get organized Use a Day Planner Helps you see the big picture Reduces procrastination Get Binders/Folders Helps.

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Presentation on theme: "STUDY SKILLS 101 More tips you can use!. Get organized Use a Day Planner Helps you see the big picture Reduces procrastination Get Binders/Folders Helps."— Presentation transcript:

1 STUDY SKILLS 101 More tips you can use!

2 Get organized Use a Day Planner Helps you see the big picture Reduces procrastination Get Binders/Folders Helps you find homework Organize assignments Establish a Place to Study Reduces distractions

3 Manage your time Complete a personal time survey How do you spend your time? Create a daily schedule Devote adequate study time for every class 2-3 hours per week per credit hour 6-9 hours per week for 3-credit-hour course Learn to Prioritize DON’T PROCRASTINATE!!

4 More time-management tips Study the hardest subjects first Allows you to be fresh for more difficult material Designate a particular time and place to study Take study breaks Gives your mind time to process and relax

5 Attendance: critical to success! Going to class shows the instructor you care about your academics Attending class allows you to take good notes and hear and see what the teacher says and puts on the board If you know in advance you will be absent, let the instructor know; this shows initiative.

6 Effective textbook use Do not highlight the entire page of a book; highlight major points Pay attention to bold print in the text book. Pay attention to diagrams or text boxes in the book. Learn how to use the glossary and index in the text book

7 Effective note-taking When the teacher writes things on the board, it’s probably important. Take notes! Make your notes legible, so you understand them later. If you miss class, ask the teacher for a copy of the notes or ask a classmate if you can borrow his or her notes. Ask an instructor who talks too fast if you can record the lecture. Taking notes helps you stay alert in class!

8 Homework tips Do homework; it helps prepare you for tests Don’t procrastinate. Plan ahead and see when homework is due Start early. This helps manage stress.

9 Join a study group Benefits Helps you focus; you don’t want to let the other members down Other students can help explain the material to you better

10 Use your library! The library has many sources to help you Librarians can help you start your research. A quiet study place with minimal distractions

11 Ask questions! If you don’t understand something... Ask your instructor Ask the librarian Ask other classmates Don’t just forget about it! Ask!

12 Minimize stress! Create to-do lists Stay organized Keep a positive attitude Make friends with similar interests; they can help you stay on track Remember the big picture Why am I in school now? So I can get a certain job? The money? Personal maintenance Take care of yourself; spoil yourself occasionally Exercise Eat healthy

13 Remember, you control your own destiny.

14 Resources html html

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