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The Birth of European Civilization CHW3M. Three Foundations While old Western Roman Empire had fallen to the Germans, Emperors continued to rule from.

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Presentation on theme: "The Birth of European Civilization CHW3M. Three Foundations While old Western Roman Empire had fallen to the Germans, Emperors continued to rule from."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Birth of European Civilization CHW3M

2 Three Foundations While old Western Roman Empire had fallen to the Germans, Emperors continued to rule from the East for hundreds of years. New civilization slowly emerges in the west shaped by three distinct influences: Christian Germanic Roman Combination of these forces eventually comes to be known as “European” civilization

3 The Christian Element After the fall of Rome, the Christian church flourished and became one of the most powerful institutions in the world. How? Organizational structure (based on Roman government) – very effective for maintaining power Church leaders in each area called “Bishops”; bishops of major cities given more power 3 rd century, Roman bishop claims supreme leadership, takes title of papa (father) or “pope”

4 The Christian Element Controversy The pope is extremely powerful! Raises very important questions in Christian history: How much power should the church/pope have? Arguments for Papal power based on Matthew 16:18-19: And Jesus answered him, “Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah! For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my Father who is in heaven. And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.” Huge disputes formed: In 1054 Eastern bishops broke off over Pope issue, formed Greek Orthodox Church

5 The Christian Element Power and Dissent As the Roman Church grew more and more powerful and wealthy in the West, many groups began to fear its increasing worldliness Ascetics – St. Simeon Stylites Christians must do whatever it takes to resist worldly temptations EXTREME (Lent, pillar) Monasticism – St. Benedict More moderate Christians need space to quietly work out salvation Vows of poverty, chastity – silence, study, labour Nevertheless, by 6 th Century, Roman church was thriving in wealth, culture, even political power (thanks to wily Popes)

6 The Germanic Element Two Important Traditions 1.Personal affection New form of loyalty – allegiance (personal connection between leader and soldiers) 2.Administration of Justice Oaths/Word of Honour (minor crime) Ordeals (major crime) Political Decline German conquerors followed Arianism – form of Christianity condemned by Church Masses followed Church instead of political leaders

7 The Germanic Element Frankish Kingdom Led by Clovis, group of barbarians (Franks) carved out distinct kingdom in Gaul Converted to Roman Christianity (mini-crusades) In process, adopted many Roman customs – spread of Christianity and Roman culture went hand in hand!

8 The Roman Element New Rome safeguards culture Byzantine Empire: After 476, East Roman Empire still somewhat intact (even claimed authority over Germanic kingdoms in Western Rome) Emperors continued to reign in Byzantium (Constantinople) until 1453 Grew distinct from old Roman Empire – increasingly influenced by the East (Orientalism) 6 th Century – Golden Age – Emperor Justinian compiles all ancient Roman laws – safeguards important Roman culture (West had largely lost these advances) Hagia Sophia


10 European Civilization These three forces formed the basis of the newly emerging “European” civilization – but it would not be complete until they were forged together by the trials of the next two centuries.

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