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Education and Culture Name Education and Culture Capacity Building in the field of Higher Education ERASMUS+ CONTACT SEMINAR WITH THE WESTERN BALKANS Vienna,

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Presentation on theme: "Education and Culture Name Education and Culture Capacity Building in the field of Higher Education ERASMUS+ CONTACT SEMINAR WITH THE WESTERN BALKANS Vienna,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Education and Culture Name Education and Culture Capacity Building in the field of Higher Education ERASMUS+ CONTACT SEMINAR WITH THE WESTERN BALKANS Vienna, Austria, 17-18, 2015 Suad Muhibic, NEO Bosnia and Herzegovina

2 Background – Where to find CBHE in Erasmus+? Erasmus + A single integrated programme Erasmus+ KA1. Learning Mobility KA3. Policy Support KA2. Co-operation Projects Specific activities: Jean Monnet Sport CBHE

3 All 33 Programme Countries + Partner Countries Neighbouring the EU 1. Western Balkans 2. Eastern Partnership countries 3. South- Mediterranean countries 4. Russia + Other Partner Countries 11. ACP Call 2016 6. Asia 7. Central Asia 8. Latin America 9. Iran, Iraq, Yemen 10. South Africa Eligible Countries

4 1.Transnational cooperation projects, based on multilateral partnerships between HEIs from the Program and eligible Partner Countries; 2.Can also involve non-academic partners to strengthen links with societies and business; 3.Support reforms and modernization of HEIs and HE systems in eligible Partner Countries; 4.Promote voluntary convergence with EU developments in HE; 5.Promote people-to-people contacts, intercultural understanding. CBHE - Key features:

5 Joint Projects: curriculum development university governance & management Links between HE institutions and the wider economic and social environment => Impact Institutions Structural Projects : modernisation of policies, governance and management of higher education systems Links between HE systems and the wider economic and social environment => Impact Systems 5 How? - Types of projects

6 6 How? – Sample of activities 1.Joint Projects: modernization of curricula, learning and teaching methodologies, staff training and development, internationalization, governance, Bologna tools, etc. 2.Structural Projects: Reforms at national level with the support of relevant authorities in Partner Countries (policy modernization, establishment of NQF, QA system, governance and management of HE systems, etc.)

7 7 Western Balkans, South-Mediterranean and Eastern Partnership countries ONLY; Mobility of students (studying or training) and staff (teaching or training); Optional as an addition to the core budget; Mobility should be instrumental and integrated in project objectives (no mobility on its own); Added value and/or innovative character of the activities proposed (approx. 40% of the selected projects will receive additional funding); Special Mobility Strand - How? Special Mobility Strand

8 8 1. State-recognised public or private HEIs 2. Associations/ Organizations of HEIs 3. (Only for Structural Projects): recognized national or international rector, teacher or student organisations. Partners: can be any relevant public or private organization located either in Programme or eligible Partner countries Exception Libya, Russia and Syria Exception Libya, Russia and Syria Who can Participate? Applicants can be organizations located either in Programme or eligible Partner countries

9 9 Min.1 HEI from each Programme Country At least as many Partner Country HEIs as Programme Country HEIs National Projects (1 Partner Country only + min. 3 Programme Countries) Min.3 HEI from the Partner Country Multi-Country Projects (≥ 2 Partner Countries+ min. 3 Programme Countries) Min.1 HEI from each Programme Country Min.2 HEI from each Partner Country At least as many Partner Country HEIs as Programme Country HEIs Exception Russia + Latin America S TRUCTURAL P ROJECTS : Partner Country Ministries for HE must participate Consortia Structure

10 National Projects Defined by Ministries of Education in close consultation with EU Delegations Must address National priorities set for Partner Country in Regions 1, 2, 3, 7, 10 Regional priorities for the regions where no national priorities are established: Regions 6, 8, 9,11 Multi-Country Projects Defined by the Commission and based on EU's external policy priorities Must address the regional priorities for countries in the same region (regional projects) or regional / national priority common to different regions (cross-regional projects) 10 Priorities & Project Types

11 Duration 24 or 36 months Min. 500,000 - Max. 1,000,000 € Real Costs and Unit Costs 5 Budget Headings Excluding mobility strand Budget and Duration - Overview

12 12 Staff costs (max 40%) Unit cost 4 Staff Categories (Manager, Researcher/ Teacher/Trainer, Technician, Administrator) Travel costs Unit cost Students/staff from partners in countries involved in the project from their place of origin to the venue of the activity and return Costs of stay Unit cost Subsistence, accommodation, local and public transport, personal or optional health insurance Equipment (max 30%) Real cost Purchased exclusively for the benefit of HEIs in the Partner Countries Sub-contracting (max10%) Real cost Exceptional for services related to competences that can't be found in the consortia How to calculate the budget - Categories Other types of costs are not considered for the calculation of the grant. >>> Expected to be covered by co-funding.

13 Eligibility Criteria Exclusion & Selection Criteria Award Criteria 13 What is assessed? Assessment of CBHE Projects

14 14 Formal submission requirements Grant size and duration Applicant, Partners and Partnership requirements (number of partners, status of the grant applicant & partners, etc.) What is assessed? Eligibility Criteria

15 The institution is not in one of the situations described in section C. Exclusion criteria of the Guidelines (such as bankruptcy, professional misconduct, subject of fraud, corruption, administrative penalties, conflict of interest, etc.) Legal person status of the applicant organisation Financial capacity to complete the proposed activities (private entities only) Operational capacity to complete the proposed activities 15 Based on supporting and administrative documents, like the declaration of honour, legal entity form, profit and loss accounts... What is assessed? Exclusion and Selection Criteria

16 16 Relevance (30 points) Quality of Design + Implementati on (30 points) Quality of Team + Cooperation arrangements (20 points) Impact and Sustainability (20 points) To be considered for funding, proposals must score at least 60 points in total and - out of these points at least 15 points for "Relevance" What is assessed? Award Criteria

17 17 STEPSDATE Publication Erasmus+ CBHE Call for Proposalsearly October 2015 Deadline for submission of applications10 February 2016, 12:00 CET Verification of eligibility of project proposalsFebruary – March 2016 Assessment of projects by experts (remotely)mid-March – mid May 2016 Consultation proceduremid-May – mid-June 2016 Evaluation Committee for selection of projectsearly July 2016 Sending for signature of Award decision by Agencymid-July 2016 Notification of applicants & publication of resultsend-July 2016 Preparation and signature of grant agreementsAugust-September 2016 Start of eligibility period15 October 2016 How and what do I submit? Indicative roadmap for selection process-CBHE

18 Thank you for your attention! Suad Muhibic National Erasmus+ Office in Bosnia and Herzegovina Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina E-mail: Web:

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