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Implementation of Megaports in Belgium. Partners in the Initiative Why Antwerp? - volume - Logistical importance Why Megaports? - European context - Commercial.

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Presentation on theme: "Implementation of Megaports in Belgium. Partners in the Initiative Why Antwerp? - volume - Logistical importance Why Megaports? - European context - Commercial."— Presentation transcript:

1 Implementation of Megaports in Belgium

2 Partners in the Initiative Why Antwerp? - volume - Logistical importance Why Megaports? - European context - Commercial interest + 24 November 2004 : Memorandum Of Understanding 19 October 2006: Inauguration 2007: Implementation

3  European Context: - common security policy in Europe since EU - role of customs in International Trade  Collaboration EU – US on trade security: Container Security Initiative Why did Belgium join the Megaports Initiative?

4 Involved Authorities  Customs and Excise  FANC  Police and Prosecution Service Implementation in Belgium

5 Involved Authorities Customs and Excise  Partner in MOU with US  Responsible for protecting the movement of international trade

6 Involved Authorities Federal Agency for Nuclear Controle(FANC)  Responsible for protecting public interest, environment against radiation  International point of contact for IAEA

7 Involved Authorities Police and prosecution services  Criminal investigation  Criminal Prosecution

8 Shared responsabilities Customs  Stop Function  Initial inspection FANC  Decision about seizure  Further actions when commodities need to be isolated or sent back

9 Police and Prosecution Service  Criminal investigation  prosecution Shared responsabilities

10 National Emergency Response Customs FANC Police  Initial inspection  Initial assesment  Isolating suspect cargo  Contacting foreign counterpart for return of contaminated cargo  Criminal investigation Low Level: no immediate treath for public health or environment

11 High Level: immediate treath for public health or  Local threat: customs policemayor of the city  Regional threat: customs policegovernor  National threat: customs policeprime minister National Emergency Response

12 International communication on seizures Customs FANC Police  European level: Risk Information Files  International level: bilateral agreements  Counterparts  IAEA  Europol  Interpol

13 International detection network  Main principle: detecting, deterring and interdicting  International network of ports equipped with radiation portal monitors  Criteria for selection of ports of intrest

14 Why invest in radiation portal monitors?  Protection of public health and environment  National security  Trade facilitation

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