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INDUSTRIALIZATION. And the problems that result…

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2 And the problems that result…

3  In 1860, only 16% of Americans lived in communities of more than 8,000 people. By 1900, 32% of Americans lived in cities with populations more than 50,000.  URBANIZATION = A movement from rural living to urban; or moving from farms to cities.

4  Industrialization  Job opportunity ▪ For women too!  New innovations  Immigration  Rural-to-urban Migrants

5  Greater demands to provide water, sewers, schools, and safety  Building codes, electric trolleys and subways, etc.  Skyscrapers—provided space in cities that had no room left on the ground  Made possible by steel and elevators!  Urban Transit/Mass Transit  Streetcars, subways  Led to creation of suburbs!

6  Class divide  Wealthy & Middle Class can move to the suburbs; poorest are left in the cities  Poor housing  Tenements= low-cost multifamily housing designed to squeeze in as many families as possible ▪ Unhealthy. Dangerous.

7  Sanitation  Filthy conditions  Gov’ts began trying to improve water, sewer systems  Fire, crime, and conflict  1871 Chicago Fire ▪ Professional Firefighting teams  Dangerous streets ▪ Professional uniformed police forces  Racial & Ethnic conflict ▪ Defined neighborhood life

8 PROS  Offered opportunity for wage work  Immigrants, farmers  New opportunities for women  Standard of living increased as people could afford greater comforts due to mass production  City life offered entertainment, education opportunity, etc. CONS  Child labor  Poor working conditions  Class divide  Poor living conditions

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