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The French and Indian War “England and France compete in North America”

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1 The French and Indian War “England and France compete in North America”

2 French and English Collide in North America French and Indian War was only part of the Seven Years War fought between England and France.

3 The war was the product of a clash between the French and English over colonial territory and wealth.

4 Especially the fur-trading business in the Ohio River Valley.

5 Each side tried to keep the other out of the Ohio Country. In the early 1750s, French soldiers captured several English trading posts and built Fort Duquense (now called Pittsburgh) to defend their territory from English incursions.

6 In1753 a young Virginian, Major George Washington, and a number of men headed out into the Ohio region to deliver a message to a French Captain demanding that French troops leave the territory. The demand was rejected by the French.

7 Washington retreated and when chased by the French, quickly built Fort Necessity. He hoped to convince native people that England was the stronger force, so that they would ally with the British rather than the French.

8 A combined force of French soldiers and their native allies overwhelmed Fort Necessity on July 3, 1754, The French permitted Washington and his men to return to Virginia safely, but made them promise they would not build another fort west of the Appalachian Mountains for at least a year.

9 The Albany Plan of Union Franklin believed the colonies should band together for their own defense. His Albany Plan of Union was the 1 st formal proposal to unite the colonies. Ben Franklin

10 Albany Plan of Union Each colony would send representatives to a Grand Council. The council would collect taxes, raise armies, make treaties, and start new settlements. Colonial legislatures did not support the Albany Plan.

11 What do you think Franklin meant by his cartoon? ?

12 General Braddock The English leaders sent Braddock, one of their best generals to America. Braddock does not understand the Indians way of fighting and is killed in a sneak attack.

13 The tide turned for the British in 1758, as they began to make peace with important Indian allies and, under the direction of Lord William Pitt began adapting their war strategies to fit the territory and landscape of the American frontier.

14 For the first three years of the war, the outnumbered French dominated the battlefield, soundly defeating the English in battles at Fort Oswego and Ticonderoga. Perhaps the most notorious battle of the war was the French victory at Fort William Henry, which ended in a massacre of British soldiers by Indians allied with the French.

15 The French were also abandoned by many of their Indian allies. Exhausted by years of battle, outnumbered and outgunned by the British, the French collapsed during the years 1758-59.

16 The War Ends The turning point of the war was in September 1759 with a massive French defeat at Quebec, the capital of New France. When Montreal fell the next year, all of Canada belonged to Britain.

17 France --> lost her Canadian possessions and claims to lands east of the Mississippi River. Spain --> got all French lands west of the Mississippi River, New Orleans, but lost Florida to England. England --> got all French lands in Canada and all land east of the Mississippi River. 1763  Treaty of Paris

18 North America in 1750

19 North America in 1763

20 Pontiac’s Rebellion (1763)

21 1763  Pontiac’s Rebellion Fort Detroit British “gifts” of smallpox-infected blankets from Fort Pitt. The Aftermath: Tensions Along the Frontier

22 Proclamation Line of 1763. Colonists are forbidden to settle west of the Appalachians because Britain doesn’t want to pay for protection. They are really MAD!!

23 1. It increased her colonial empire in the Americas. 2. It greatly enlarged England’s debt. 3. Britain’s wanted to rule its 13 original colonies and new territory in a uniformed way. Effects of the War on Britain?

24 1. It united them against a common enemy for the first time. 2. It created a socializing experience for all the colonials who participated. 3. It created bitter feelings towards the British that would only intensify. Effects of the War on the American Colonials

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