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 Fav Fave’s Fav Fave’s By Alex Lopez.  Ted Kennedy’s [Fav Five’s]

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1  Fav Fave’s Fav Fave’s By Alex Lopez

2  Ted Kennedy’s [Fav Five’s]

3 Robert F. Kennedy + o Since Robert F. Kennedy was Ted’s brother he would of probably been in his fav five’s. The only problem with that today is that Robert F. Kennedy was assassinated. I mean come on family comes first before friends in any type of phone situation.

4 John F. Kennedy + o John F. Kennedy was also the brother of Ted. He was also a president and something that Ted always aspired to become. He would of probably had him on his fav five’s the problem would be again that JFK was assassinated.

5 Ted Kennedy’s Family+ o Even if Ted Kennedy had his two brothers, RFK and JFK, he would probably also have most of his family in his fav five’s. He would do this so he could stay in touch and be able to call them at a moment’s notice. So, they would be on the fav five’s.

6 Barack Obama + o Barack Obama was the person that Ted was going for in the 200 Election for numerous reason that will not be stated. He is also someone that Ted see’s as a mentor/person who’s changing America. So, he would TOTALLY be on his fav five’s.

7 Victoria Kennedy o Not many people know Victoria Kennedy. I never heard about her until now. Victoria was the wife of Ted Kennedy and would most definitely be put on there or suffer her wrath. She was probably a huge person in his life since she could influence many things.

8  Ted Kennedy’s [Fav Five Blocked]

9 Republicans o Republicans are like the other half of the Democrats and they aren’t usually liked. Ted would probably block some because of what they thought, but he would leave some so that he could what he wanted through compromising.

10 Harvard o Harvard was a tough time for Kennedy because he was expelled and had to be reenter again. During this time he did various things in the Army and other military posts. He probably doesn’t like Harvard a lot, but he probably understands why they had to do that.

11 Edward J. McCormack, Jr. o He was the first person who ran against him in a political race. He brought up numerous problems and issues that Kennedy was facing. For example his suspension from Harvard was one. He probably would block this man because he was playing somewhat of a dirty race.

12 Lee Harvey Oswald o He was the person that killed John F. Kennedy. This would instantly put you on someone’s never to call list. The problem with this though is that Lee Harvey Oswald was assassinated two days later after the crime.

13 Sirhan Sirhan o He was the person that killed Robert F. Kennedy. This would most definitely put you on someone’s never call/block list. Ted was probably devastated and probably very much dislikes that person. I never knew if he was able to forgive Sirhan Sirhan.

14  Mother Teresa’s [Fav Five ]

15 Missionaries of Charity o The Missionaries of Charity was the group that Mother Teresa created. She helped so many people by creating this group and getting volunteers to get what she wanted done. This would on her fav five’s for personal to working reasons.

16 The Pope(s) o The Pope was someone who Mother Teresa looked up to. He was also the person that helped out Mother Teresa. This would definitely put him (whatever pope was during that time and any basically) on her phone.

17 Congress o She would definitely have Congress or at least people that she thinks helped her out with her work. The reason they would be on her fav five’s is because the USA, mainly the Congress, granted her U.S. citizenship.

18 God o God is someone that Mother Teresa admires a lot. This divine being/person would definitely be put on her fav five because he was the one who helped Mother Teresa with her life. I do not know if it is possible to put on a phone, but I think she could make it happen.

19 The People Who Need Her o Mother Teresa was a giving person who helped the poor and many people out. She would probably try to make a group in her fav five’s for the people that need her. This would make a lot of people happy and her.

20  Mother Teresa’s [Fav Five Blocked ]

21 Critics o There were many critics on how Mother Teresa used her donations. These critics also criticized who and where she got the donations from. She would probably block them because they would never leave her alone.

22 Medical Journal writer’s o Medical Journal writer’s were a problem for Mother Teresa. They would criticize the standard of medical care she had in her hospices and other reasons. They also questioned how she spent the donations on medical care, too. They would probably not be on her fave’s fives, but blocked.

23 Rev. Brian Kolodiejchuk o He was Mother Teresa’s postulator, the official responsible for gathering the evidence for her sanctification, and he was doubting her beliefs in God. That she was not as close to God as she used to be. This would probably make Mother Teresa sad and angry so she would probably block him.

24 Christopher Hitchens o Christopher Hitchens was a main critic of Mother Teresa. He believed that she was getting publicity for herself rather than for helping out the people. He would probably be on her fav five’s blocked because of what he has said to her.

25 Stern, (German Magazine) o Stern criticized Mother Teresa, too. They publishes things about her financial problems and the spending of donations. She wouldn’t like this at all, so he would definitely put it on her blocked fav five’s.

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