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Chapter 6 Indexes, Scales, And Typologies Key Terms.

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1 Chapter 6 Indexes, Scales, And Typologies Key Terms

2 Index Constructed by accumulating scores assigned to individual attributes. Scale Constructed by assigning scores to patterns of responses, recognizing that some items reflect a weak degree of the variable while others reflect something stronger.

3 Item analysis Examine the extent to which the composite index is related to or predicts responses to the individual items it comprises. External validation Testing the validity of a measure by examining its relationship to other, presumed indicators of the same variable.

4 Bogardus social distance scale Measurement technique for determining the willingness of people to participate in social relations with other people. Thurstone scales A type of composite measure, constructed in accord with the weights assigned by “judges” to various indicators of some variables.

5 Likert Scale Calculates the average index score for those agreeing with each of the individual statements. Semantic Differential Ask respondents to choose between two opposite positions.

6 Guttman Scale Based on the fact that some items under consideration may prove to be more extreme indicators of the variable than others. Typology A set of categories or types.

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