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Introduction to WWII and the Holocaust A VERY brief history.

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1 Introduction to WWII and the Holocaust A VERY brief history.

2 Why did this happen?  Germany’s economy was really bad after WWI. Hitler found an easy scapegoat in the Jews of Europe. – Anti-Semitism had been running unchecked throughout Europe for centuries. Many had a high standard of living due to historical restrictions placed upon them. Jews were perceived by others as being loyal only to their religion, not to their country.

3 1933-1939  Nazi party manages to get elected by a small margin of victory.  Hitler, as head of the Nazi party, ends German democracy.  Suspends freedom of speech and right to assembly as “emergency” measures.  Special State Police (gestapo), and Security Police (S.S.) established.  Opposition political leaders executed or assassinated.

4 1933-1939  In Germany, Jews forced to leave all public (government) jobs. Their citizenship is taken away, and the Nuremberg Laws go into effect taking away many rights.  First wave of Jews, political prisoners, and Jehovah’s Witnesses sent to concentration camps. German Gypsies sent to municipal camps.

5 1939-1945  Germany invades Poland. WWII begins. Thousand of Polish “intellectuals” murdered.  Handicapped, mentally disabled, and otherwise incurably sick are killed at Hitler’s orders. “Euthanasia” program moves into secrecy after public outcry.  1940: Denmark, Holland, Belgium, Luxemburg, and France fall to Germany.

6 1939-1945  Italy, Romania, and Hungary join Germany “Axis” powers.  Allies join together: British Commonwealth, United States, free France, and Russia.  Ghettoes, transit camps, new concentration camps, and death camps set up by Germany to deal with the influx of new victims.

7 The Death Camps There were six camps set up for the mass murder of Jews, gypsies, political dissidents, and homosexuals: 1. Belzec4. Chelmno 2. Sobibor5. Majdanek 3. Treblinka6. Auschwitz-Birkenau

8 Confiscated Shoes  A warehouse full of shoes and clothing confiscated from the prisoners and deportees gassed upon their arrival.

9 Dachau Inmates 

10 Works Cited  http://gymnasium- http://gymnasium-  y.html y.html

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