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Academic Parent Teacher Team APTT Meeting November 17, 2014 6-7pm.

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Presentation on theme: "Academic Parent Teacher Team APTT Meeting November 17, 2014 6-7pm."— Presentation transcript:

1 Academic Parent Teacher Team APTT Meeting November 17, 2014 6-7pm

2  Review of Learning Scales and Standards Based Report Cards  IXL & Homework  Reading Fluency Student Data & Parent Role  Math Fluency Student Data & Parent Role  Where is my child at in comparison to the class? In comparison to where they need to be?  Star Data  Star Reading  Star Math Overview of what will be covered…

3 If I were a light bulb... Where is my learning? 1- EMERGING This concept is new to me. I don’t understand very much yet and I have lots of learning left to do for mastery. 2 – NEARING MASTERY I am still making some mistakes, but I am making progress toward mastery of this concept. I still have work to do. 3 - MASTERY I know how to do this and I don’t make mistakes! I have mastered this concept. 4 – ADVANCED MASTERY I know more than I am expected to know about this concept and I can even teach it to my friends. I exceed expectations. SCALES

4  Please make sure your student is doing the proper amount of time on IXL as per the homework sheet OR they are completing the paper copy of homework sent home. Please note this on their cover sheet. Homework Homework Tips  Make it your student’s responsibility  Walk away if it’s too much or too hard  Make sure to mark off what you’ve done for the week on the cover sheet!

5 I can read 2nd grade texts aloud correctly with appropriate rate and expressions.  Words correct per minute  timed one minute  subtract miscues. Reading Fluency LAFS.2.RF.4.4b Quarter 1Quarter 2Quarter 3Quarter 4 8093106120

6 Sample Passage

7 Your Child’s Data Input your child’s data for reading and math onto the APTT Meeting #2 Form to take home and review strategies that will help your child grow.

8 Repeated readings are the best way to improve fluency. Read a passage with your child. Help them with words they are struggling with then have them read the passage again. Start with on-level text then gradually increase complexity. RAZ Kids! (Listen/Read/Record!) Parent Role

9 READING FLUENCY-October Words per Minute (wpm) Class Average: Quarter 1Quarter 2Quarter 3Quarter 4 8093106120

10 MAFS.2.OA.2.2 Fluently add and subtract within 20 using mental strategies. By end of Grade 2, know from memory all sums of two one-digit numbers Why is Math Fact Fluency Important? “Cognitive psychologists have discovered that humans have fixed limits on the attention and memory that can be used to solve problems. One way around these limits is to have certain components of a task become so routine and over-learned that they become automatic.” (Whitehurst, 2003)

11 Your Child’s Data Input your child’s data for reading and math onto the APTT Meeting #2 Form to take home and review strategies that will help your child grow.

12 FLUENCY TARGET-SEPTEMBER Scores/100 (3 seconds per problem) Quarter 1Quarter 2Quarter 3Quarter 4 255075100

13  Have your child practice math fluency DAILY using or flashcards  Test them verbally periodically  Play games that involve adding or subtracting  Use your smart phone!  Use authentic experiences to have your child solve problems, i.e., figuring out scores, recipes, while shopping PARENT ROLE

14 What is STAR Enterprise?

15 How often is star enterprise administered?

16 Your Child’s Data Input your child’s data for reading and math onto the APTT Meeting #2 Form to take home and review strategies that will help your child grow.

17 STAR Math Targets FallWinterSpring 436458502

18 STAR Reading Targets FallWinterSpring 249274327

19 RazKids http://www.raz- Teacher Username: Krossheim0 Shutterfly  https://mrsmayhew.shutt https://mrsmayhew.shutt Getting started with…

20 Our project has been posted!! Please go submit your online donations and enter the promo code SPARK by THIS Friday!

21 T’was the Night Before Thanksgiving You are invited to come watch us recite our class poem This Thursday in our classroom at 1:00pm Please do not be late!

22 Turkey projects due 12/1

23 Goals… Create a goal with your student using your data from tonight to help you! Remember to make SMART goals… Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-Bound

24 Questions? Put your sticky notes on the filing cabinet by my desk and head to the parking lot! I will format a class email to answer all of your questions and email it out.

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