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S.S.I.A Presentation to Marine Strategy Forum 16 th October 2015 By Walter Speirs.

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Presentation on theme: "S.S.I.A Presentation to Marine Strategy Forum 16 th October 2015 By Walter Speirs."— Presentation transcript:

1 S.S.I.A Presentation to Marine Strategy Forum 16 th October 2015 By Walter Speirs

2 What is SSIA ? An assorted group of people and organisations who make their living from adding value to seaweed and seaweed based products, who wish to strengthen their communication about the industry by influencing the market, and engaging with government and regulators.

3 Who am I ? Chairman of SSIA Walter Speirs

4 What are the aims of the SSIA?

5 Current Position Forming Storming Norming Performing 201420152016 Qr1Qr 2Qr 3Qr 4Qr1Qr 2Qr 3Qr 4Qr1Qr 2Qr 3Qtr. 4

6 Members View “ I see a key purpose, is that the SSIA is the 'voice' of the seaweed industry in Scotland, that its main purpose is as a lobbying body that both communicates and represents the interests of the commercial parties interested in making a living from seaweed, with various political and government organisations. This ensures that seaweed is taken 'seriously' in strategic public planning and that we have the resource available to respond to calls for input from Scottish, UK, European bodies

7 Who are we? Members Craig Rose Seaweed & Co. Ltd


9 Seaweed polysaccharides in Healthcare: current value and future value History of use of seaweed hydrocolloids in healthcare – e.g. alginate in Gaviscon and woundcare Current development of seaweed polysaccharides – e.g. alginate oligosaccharides being developed as drugs for a range of diseases including Cystic fibrosis Future potential of seaweed polysaccharides: wide range of molecules with unique activity e.g fucoidans and ulvans Value in healthcare applications: inflammation & allergy e.g. Psoriasis & eczema, inflammatory bowel diseases, asthma, arthritis; wound healing; cancer; anti-viral.

10 What we want to make in Argyll Harvest – Argyll 40k/annum Extract - Argyll Finish /Test - Argyll (cGMP) Alginate and other chemicals From Laminaria hyperborea Refine Global Supply Produce 750 tonnes/annum phase 1 Alginate Product + other chemicals £7.5m Investment 60+ Jobs High Value £7.5m Investment 60+ Jobs High Value

11 Potential of Scottish Seaweed Scotland is uniquely placed to deliver on the benefits of seaweed, having: Natural resources: Vast coastline and pristine waters Academic expertise: Spanning aquaculture, food, health, life science, and energy Commercial operations: With world-class food and drink, life-science and energy sectors No other natural resource addresses the key mega-trends of food, health and energy provision Craig Rose, Seaweed & Co. Ltd

12 The seaweed value chain Soil Conditioner Animal Feed Foods Speciality Chemicals eg Basic Alginates Fine Chemicals Higher value alginates mannitol, fucoidan, etc, Pharmaceuticals Low Value £00 / Tne High Value £0000 / Tne Compost

13 Focus for presenting at The Forum Would like to communicate the aims and aspirations of SSIA Would seek support from other marine groups to support the sustainability aims of SSIA Would hope to influence regulatory bodies in their deliberations and actions by providing information and guidance to improve understanding of the industry

14 Current issues for discussion: Regulatory consents to harvest wild seaweed, onshore and offshore, sustainably. ‘Landlord’? The Crown Estate or Marine Scotland? Is seaweed cultivation aquaculture? Is planning required? Relationship between water quality and food standards The view of SEPA that seaweed for food chain must be grown in Shellfish Growing Waters IMTA, separation distances and pathogen host theory Need for food standards and regulation, labelling regulation, RDA of iodine, clarity on arsenic. Contact us by e-mail:

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