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Cam Rollins, RPF CAPF Communications Chair October 30, 2015 A Voice For the Profession.

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Presentation on theme: "Cam Rollins, RPF CAPF Communications Chair October 30, 2015 A Voice For the Profession."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cam Rollins, RPF CAPF Communications Chair October 30, 2015 A Voice For the Profession

2 BUSINESS GOALS Grow numbers Increase value Increase the demand of our profession Merge the two colleges Change our image Improve relationships The Need MARKETING OBJECTIVES New name New key messages and value proposition New logo and brand identity

3 POSITION Need a new name and key messaging Lack of consensus as to the role of the organization The Gaps EXPERIENCE Regulation is strong, advocacy is lacking Materials are dated and sporadic RELATIONSHIPS Students and newer members need to understand value Relationships with influencers Public relationships

4 MEMBERS Western Management Consultants In depth member phone research Research INFLUENCERS Government, industry leaders, community leaders, other professional bodies, ENGOs PUBLIC Regional public advisory committees Public members Short form surveys – urban municipalities

5 Define ourselves by what we are! Regulation is strong. Advocacy is not. People are more aware of forest professionals than we think. Reaching stakeholders is an emotional and social exercise. Key Findings

6  Accountable  Authority  Collaborative  Professional  Unified Desired Brand of the Association


8  All-encompassing Disciplines Sectors Macro-view of forests  Aligned to Natural Resource Management  All inclusive of professionals Forest Management Professional  Proactive  Day-to-day and long term  Resonates with members and the public  Competency  Carried over from the Colleges

9 Association of Alberta Forest Management Professionals  Term used by other well-respected provincial bodies  Consistent with similar provincial bodies in other provinces  Indicates a level of organization, connectedness and professionalism

10 Logo







17 As the provincial regulatory body for Alberta’s Forest Management Professionals, we provide the resources to support the ongoing development of our members and the profession so all Albertans benefit from healthy, sustainably managed forests. Positioning Statement

18  A voice  A connector  A resource  The regulator Values

19  Dedicated  Confident  Collaborative  Engaging  Professional A Forest Management Professional

20 Key Audiences

21  A new website Marketing Materials

22 We are here to protect the moments of exploration, of awe, and the moments of beauty that take your breath away.

23 A Voice For the Profession Members want to be ambassadors for the profession. We will provide tools and messages to help. This is an emotional connection to others. We are the voice!

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