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Motor Speed Josh Edwards. Description Circuit will calculate the RPMs of the motor using the NT3100 and output to a 7 segment display Motor will be driven.

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Presentation on theme: "Motor Speed Josh Edwards. Description Circuit will calculate the RPMs of the motor using the NT3100 and output to a 7 segment display Motor will be driven."— Presentation transcript:

1 Motor Speed Josh Edwards

2 Description Circuit will calculate the RPMs of the motor using the NT3100 and output to a 7 segment display Motor will be driven by the PWM OCR2 with the duty cycle determined by the frequency of switch one being pressed

3 Hardware Design NT3100 and CD4050 connect to PB1 SW1 connected to PB0 DC motor and MOSFET connected to OCR2 7 segment display connect to PA

4 Software Design Set up the push button SW1 to a counter to calculate the number of presses per second and create a duty cycle based on the speed Set up the NT3100 to a counter to calculate the RPMs of the motor Output the RPMs to the 7 segment display

5 Testing Method Make sure the 7 segment display shows the correct RPMS Find an accurate duty cycle algorithm for the presses per second on the switch Test different duty cycles and make sure RPMs adjust correctly

6 Further Work Need to research exact usage of 7 segment display Fine tuning of duty cycle

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