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The notes that CLOUD your mind Chapter 5 Clouds Visible aggregates of minute droplets of liquid water or tiny crystals of ice. Tell us what is going.

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Presentation on theme: "The notes that CLOUD your mind Chapter 5 Clouds Visible aggregates of minute droplets of liquid water or tiny crystals of ice. Tell us what is going."— Presentation transcript:


2 The notes that CLOUD your mind Chapter 5

3 Clouds Visible aggregates of minute droplets of liquid water or tiny crystals of ice. Tell us what is going on in the atmos at that time and place. Helps us forecast the weather.

4 Classification of Clouds Based on HEIGHT & SHAPE 10 BASIC cloud types. (p. 106-107)

5 3 Forms (Shapes) Cirrus- high, white, thin. Described as feathery or wispy. Cumulus- white and puffy with flat base Stratus- cover the entire sky (or most of it). Grey clouds

6 Cirrus

7 Cumulus

8 Cumulus on a day when Bause gives too many notes

9 Stratus (typical MI cloud)

10 HEIGHT High-level Clouds (Cirro) –Above 6000 m –Made of ice Mid-level Clouds (Alto) –2000-6000 m Low-level Clouds (Strato) –less than 2000

11 Cirrostratus As the name sounds… High and Flat fibrous or smooth cloud that covers much of the sky Can produce a halo around the sun or moon

12 Cirrocumulus White patches of cells or ripples. Often called “mackerel sky”, similar to the design on mackerel fish.

13 Altocumulus Sometimes hard to distinguish with cirrocumulus They should have a distinct outline because they are made of water, not ice

14 Altostratus Cover most or all of sky. Thicker than cirrostratus, no halos. Associated with warm fronts

15 Stratus Thick layer of clouds covering most (or all) of the sky. Cannot see the sun. Can produce rain

16 Stratocumulus Low cumulus clouds covering most of the sky

17 Nimbo or Nimbus Rain clouds Nimbostratus clouds produce moderate rain. Cover the entire sky and are low alt.

18 Clouds of Vertical Development (VDC’s) Do not fit into one height category. Can extend from low to high altitudes. 2 types cumulus and cumulonimbus

19 Cumulonimbus (Anvil Heads) Sever weather producers (lightning, thunder, hail, high winds, tornadoes, flying cows). Caused by warm air rising.




23 The End! Now, get the hail to work!

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