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Web-Based Management. Display on Web browser Economical displays Ubiquitous access Reduction in network load for non-polled configuration Web Interface.

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1 Web-Based Management

2 Display on Web browser Economical displays Ubiquitous access Reduction in network load for non-polled configuration Web Interface vs Web-base management Web-based management Desktop management interface Web-based enterprise management Java management extensions

3 Web Interface

4 Proxy Server

5 Embedded WBM

6 HP Embedded Agent

7 Desktop Management Interface Service Layer (SL) Management Interface (MI) Component Interface (CI) MIF DataBase MIF: Management Information Format Desktop Resident Management Applications Hardware/Software Components API

8 Desktop Management Interface Industry standard generated by l- Desktop Management Task Force (DMTF) Started in 1992 to manage PCs Manages both hardware and software Two standards Management information format (MIF), similar to MIB Program interface with two APIs

9 DMI Service Layer Synchronization and Flow Control Management Interface Component Interface MIF Access MIF Set MIF Install MIF DataBase Request/Confirms Response/ConfirmsEvents/Response Indications Command Processing Event Processing MIF Processing

10 DMI Functions

11 DMI MIB MIF specified using ASN.1 syntax Can be managed by an SNMP manager DMTF task expanded to specify WBEM - Web-based enterprise management DMTF Distributed - Distributed Management Task Force

12 Web-Based Enterprise Management

13 WBEM based on Common Information Module, developed by Microsoft CIM is information-modeling framework intended to accommodate all protocols and frameworks Object-oriented Five components: Web client CIM object manager (CIMOM) CIM schema Management protocol Managed objects with specific protocol

14 Microsoft WMI

15 WMI is Microsoft infrastructure to support WBEM CIM WMI comprises management infrastructure, applications, and agents CIMOM has plug-in management applications COM/DCOM API specifies interface to CIMOM CIM is the CIM schema Object providers are management agents (e.g. SNMP agent)

16 Service Driven Network Network of services (instead of network of components) based on Java technology and thin clients. It speeds up service creation and deployment, as well as handling provisioning, management and billing. Dynamic Management The Service-Driven Network enables you to reconfigure the infrastructure of the network dynamically, by pushing services in real-time, both to the network infrastructure elements, and to consumer devices across the Internet. Java technology calls plug-in JavaBean MBean is management JavaBean

17 JDMK - Java Dynamic Management Kits

18 JDMK Java dynamic management tool kit to build Java-based NMS MBean is an intelligent agent; does not need polling as in SNMP agent JDMK library of core management services implemented as MBeans Java Dynamic Management agent comprises MBeansMBeans: core management framework, MBean server Protocol adaptorsProtocol adaptors: interfaces to applications

19 MBean Flow Diagram



22 JMX Architecture

23 Jiro




27 Looking Ahead Future network and system management frameworks should accommodate well-established SNMP entities Web agents are intelligent and future points to the use of Web technology Web-based management offers two options WBEM is comprehensive and centralized approach to enterprise management; accommodates both scalar and object-oriented schemes JMX is decentralized and uses Java technology; agents embedded in objects and can be downloaded from NMS; platform independent Future NMS environment could be a merger of the old and the new - at least in the near future

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