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MiPACS Introduction for Sunset. Launching MiPACS 2.

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Presentation on theme: "MiPACS Introduction for Sunset. Launching MiPACS 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 MiPACS Introduction for Sunset

2 Launching MiPACS 2

3 Activation Capture Icons 3

4 Gendex Activation For every image, verify the Gendex icon is active In the task bar at the bottom right of the computer, verify the Gendex icon turns from red X on sensor to green around sensor 4

5 Selecting a Template 5

6 Viewing an Image Series 6

7 Red corner indicates series is not approved Yellow barrel indicates series is approved 7

8 Viewing an Image Series Expanding series viewer Shows date Click on line and drag # of images in series 8

9 Removing Series Box 9

10 Shows only the images on screen 10

11 Series Box Returned 11

12 Overflow Area 12

13 Overflow Area 13

14 Retake/Add an Image 14

15 Save Vs. Approve After all images have been exposed and positioned in correct location in template, click the save as button. In pop up box, uncheck the “Approve all images” then click ok. Repeat this step as often as needed until ready to approve images. When ready to approve, click save as button again. This time do not uncheck the “Approve all images” box. Click Ok. Images will now be saved on the central server. 15

16 Saving: Click on save as button. Box will pop up. Uncheck the Approve all images box Click OK 16

17 Save Vs. Approve When ready to approve, Click save as box Box will pop up. This time do not uncheck the approve all images box, Click OK. Can no longer add to template 17

18 Anatomical Naming 18 If image goes into a generic PA template or the overflow area and does not load into template first, a pop up box will ask for the anatomic information This must be filled in before the series will approve

19 Anatomical Naming 19

20 Remounting a Series 20

21 Rotating an Image 21

22 Brightness/Contrast 22

23 Undo/Redo 23

24 Enlarging Image / Zoom 24

25 Magnifier 25

26 Comparing Two Series 26

27 Comparing Two Series 27 1.In Series, choose approved images you would like to view 2.Highlight series you want 3.Hold control and click to highlight the other series you want 4.Right click-Compare 5.To leave this screen click on the Series tab

28 Comparing Images with Presentation Tool

29 Removing the Date From the Image 29  Go to Systems at top of tool bar  Preferences  Display  Uncheck box for “Show info Label on Image”  Click OK **Note-This is done per workstation per provider, and date can be replaced the same way. **When you close out of the workstation, the information will be saved on that workstation under your sign in

30 Important Tips 30  Always check that correct patient is open  Understand the difference between saving and approving images  Saving images:  Saves to local server only, can add or retake images. Can only be view locally.  Approving images:  Sends images to central server. Cannot add to the template. Can now be view by other offices. Need to do at end of appointment.  MUST close patient in MiPACS and go back into axiUm to locate and open next patient. This can cause computer to crash, taking axiUm down with it.

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