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The generosity of church members in giving over recent decades- set in the context of other data Dr Bev Botting Head of Research and Statistics Archbishops’

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1 The generosity of church members in giving over recent decades- set in the context of other data Dr Bev Botting Head of Research and Statistics Archbishops’ Council

2 1924 90 years ago, what was the average annual contribution to the church on the basis of the Electoral Roll? 54s 2d per annum (£2.71) 2.2% of salary

3 1958 There can be no forward steps without a full acceptance of Christian Stewardship. By stewardship we mean the regarding of ourselves…… as a trust from God to be utilised in his service. This teaching is an urgent need in every congregation. (Statement from the 1958 Lambeth Conference)

4 1978-81…..

5 2009 Giving for Life

6 Giving a priority Prayerful planned proportionate given in community Sacrificial cheerfully and joyfully given

7 Let’s start by thinking about overall income from parishes and expenditure…. So in 2012, what was the total of parish income? (NB there are roughly 13,000 parishes) 727 million? 929 million? 1121 million?

8 Financial Overview - Total Income and Expenditure - 2002 to 2012

9 Parochial Income - 2002 to 2012 (with real terms comparison)

10 How much of that £929 million income was from tax efficient planned giving? £283 million

11 Main Sources of Income - 2002 to 2012

12 Other Significant Sources of Income - 2002 to 2012

13 Tax efficient giving is the largest component of parish income

14 Looking back in time….. Fewer regular givers, but giving 30 times more each per week than 34 years ago! 19782012 Number of Regular Givers880,000490,600-44% Average Weekly Gift£0.35£11.103136%

15 Growth in Church Giving… Average Weekly Giving per Tax Efficient Planned Giver

16 Weekly average tax efficient planned giving per subscriber 1964 to 2012

17 Weekly unrestricted income per electoral roll member 1964-2012

18 Weekly planned giving per subscriber

19 Looking Around – benchmarking with the charity sector

20 Charitable Giving out from PCCs: That is more than the BBC’s Children In Need Appeal! 2012 !! In 2012 around £46 million was given by PCCs to other charities and mission organisations.

21 Brookes: 'We are not a generous society’ Donors are falling, the rich don't give enough - and the sector needs to take responsibility, says NPC chief executive Guardian: Friday 19 November 2010

22 Share of Charitable Giving in England : The Active Communities unit in the Home Office recently produced “A Generous Society” report suggests that £7.1bn was given to charities in 2003.

23 UK Giving 2012 : An overview of charitable giving in the UK 2011/12

24 What proportion of people give money to charity? 55%

25 Share of Charitable Giving in England : –£9.3bn given to charities in 2011/12 –PCCs received net income of £360m in 2012 from living donors (before Gift Aid) –So 3.9% of charitable giving in England is to the Church of England. –Ie £1 in every £25 is given to the Church of England.

26 Propn of donors giving to different causes and propn of total amount donated by cause, 2011/12 Proportion of donors prop of total amount Medical research 33% 15% Hospitals 30% 15% Children 23% 11% Animal 16% 5% Overseas 14% 10% Religious 14% 17% Disabled 11% 4% Health 8% 3%

27 Americans are increasingly giving more to charity, but less of that money is going to the church Quote from: Gregg Carlson, chair of the Giving USA Foundation

28 Thank you! Any questions?

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