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Design of energy-efficient routing protocol in multicast ad-hoc mobile networks using directional antennas J. seetaram,, Sree chaitanya college.

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Presentation on theme: "Design of energy-efficient routing protocol in multicast ad-hoc mobile networks using directional antennas J. seetaram,, Sree chaitanya college."— Presentation transcript:

1 Design of energy-efficient routing protocol in multicast ad-hoc mobile networks using directional antennas J. seetaram,, Sree chaitanya college of engg., karimnagar

2 Confined area One important characteristic of ad-hoc network is that nodes are energy constrained. A node in ad-hoc network consumes energy when transmitting, receiving, processing data, or listening to the channels. The energy expenditure of a node can be managed at physical layer, MAC layer, network layer and transport layer. I interested in energy conservation through the use of appropriate routing and scheduling protocols at the network layer.

3 Problem statement In mobile ad-hoc networks a multicast packet is delivered to multiple receivers along a network structure such as a tree or mesh. The network structure is fragile due to node mobility, and thus some members may not be able to receive the multicast packet which results in reduced packet delivery ratio. To improve the packet delivery ratio,multicast protocols in MANETs usually employ control packets to periodically refresh the network structure.

4 Problem statement cont., Mesh-based protocols are more robust to mobility than tree-based. But multicast mesh may perform worse in terms of energy efficiency and reduces network life time. In order to maximize the lifetime of a network we need to design an energy efficient algorithms for routing and scheduling with nodes in the network use single directional antennas.

5 Design methodology Directional antennas can be useful in significantly increasing node and network life time. In order to utilize directional antennas, an algorithm is needed that will enable nodes to point their antennas to the right place at right time. By using this algorithm the total energy consumption is decreased and thus increases network lifetime by a factor, which is proportional to the antenna gain.

6 Design methodology cont., In addition, I plan to improve 50% in network lifetime that is achieved by using energy-aware routing, instead of conventional routing. In energy-aware routing protocol the idea is to route packets through nodes that have sufficient remaining energy, rather than through nodes whose energy is nearly depleted. Furthermore, I plan to propose a method that can enable scheduling algorithm to work in a distributed and adaptive fashion. I plan to incorporate proposed algorithm into ns- 2 simulator or Qualnet.

7 THE FOLLOWING PARAMETERS ARE TO BE ANALYZED IN PROPOSED ALGORITHM: The average residual energy remaining at the nodes when all packets have been evacuated from the network. The variance of the node residual energies. The time when a node runs out of energy. The average number of hops on the paths taken by the packets. The received-to-sent packet ratio. The number of collisions suffered by the packets, due to the MAC protocol and the hidden terminal packets.

8 Applications of proposed algorithm Remote Water sensing driven metering and communication for water distribution systems by using sensor ad-hoc networks.

9 Additional Research areas Optimisation of Data Mining techniques for geospatial data and signal data for deploying mobile devices. Remote sensing Image Carving techniques for deployment on mobile devices without loosing its fidelity.

10 Institutes Involved IIIT-H. NRSC-Hyd. Sree Chaitanya College of Engineering. Sree Chaitanya Institute of Technology.

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