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{ Adjectives Someone’s got some describing to do! honest happy fat short tall funny deliciou s pretty hairy black friendly smart.

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Presentation on theme: "{ Adjectives Someone’s got some describing to do! honest happy fat short tall funny deliciou s pretty hairy black friendly smart."— Presentation transcript:

1 { Adjectives Someone’s got some describing to do! honest happy fat short tall funny deliciou s pretty hairy black friendly smart

2  Describing Adjectives  Describing Adjectives Practice  Possessive Adjectives  Possessive Adjective Practice  Final Test  *Right before the final test, you will be allowed to go back to the lessons for review if needed. What we will be doing today…

3  Howdy! My name is Mormon the Moose, and I need your help. I have a GINORMOUS test about adjectives. Please help me prepare!

4  Let’s start off our lesson with defining an adjective. Watch this short video on the next slide that explains how adjectives can be used.

5 “Unpack Your Adjectives”

6  As you saw in the video, adjectives are words that describe nouns. Here is a list of adjectives that may be familiar to you. AdorableLazyRichLying BeautifulJealousColorful Mysterious Long CleverSquareDifferent Handsome AliveProudNoisy Describing Adjectives

7  Adjectives are everywhere! Here are some examples of adjectives being used in everyday English. The French town has an interesting history. The French town has an interesting history.  “French” is describing the noun “town”. It tells us what kind of town it was.  The pumpkin is orange.  “Orange” is describing the “pumpkin” to the reader. Where have I seen these before?

8  It’s your turn to give it a shot. In the following slides, choose the adjective in the sentence. Your Turn!

9  Sammy climbed the brown tree. climbedbrown treeclimbedbrown tree

10  “Brown” is describing “tree” in this sentence. Let’s keep going. Way to go!

11  Oops! I don’t think that’s right. How about we try again? Incorrect

12  The bread was very stale. breadwasstalebreadwasstale

13  “Stale” is describing the word “bread” in this sentence. Let’s try another one. Excellent!

14  Oops! I don’t think that’s right. Let’s look at it one more time. Incorrect

15  The shirt that Harry was wearing was clean. shirtHarrycleanshirtHarryclean

16  “Clean” is telling us how Harry’s shirt was. Let’s continue with the lesson. Nice job!

17  Oops! I don’t think that’s right. Let’s check again. Incorrect

18  Awesome! Now we know that an adjective is a word that describes a noun. But I just remembered that something called a “possessive adjective” will be on my test! Will you help me?

19  Like describing adjectives, possessive adjectives also describe nouns; however, they show possession. They answer the question “who”. Here are some examples: My OurTheirHis HerItsYour Possessive Adjectives

20  Let’s check out these sentences: Amy lost her pencil. Amy lost her pencil.  Who does the pencil belong to? “Her” tells us that the pencil belongs to “Amy”.  I need to borrow your phone.  Who does the phone belong to? “Your” tells us that the phone belongs to “you”.

21  So, if I say, “I’m going to ace my test”, the word “my” would be the possessive adjective. Eureka!! I understand!! Now you try…

22  In the following slides, click on the possessive adjective in the following sentences.

23  Joe dropped his pencil in the green grass yesterday. Joehis green Joehis green

24  “His” answers the question “who”. Whose pencil was dropped? Joe’s pencil! Let’s keep going. Hooray!

25  Oops! I don’t think that’s correct. Let’s try again. Incorrect

26  Abby decided that she wanted to use their backyard for the party. Abbyshetheir Abbyshetheir

27  “Their” is telling us whose backyard Abby wanted to use. How about one more. High five!

28  Oops! I don’t think that’s right. Let’s give it another shot. Incorrect

29  Our puppy is the cutest puppy in the world! Ourcutestworld Ourcutestworld

30  “Our” tells us whose puppy is the cutest. Let’s continue with the lesson. Yahoo!

31  Oops! I don’t think that’s right. Let’s try again. Incorrect

32  Get ready…it’s test time! I’m confident that we will succeed! If you would like to review one last time, click one of the links. Here we go… Fire Up! Review Describing Adjectives Review Possessive Adjectives

33 1. What does an adjective describe? A nounA verbA preposition A nounA verbA prepositionTest

34  Great! Adjectives describe nouns. Moving on… Correct!

35  Oops! Adjectives don’t describe this one. Let’s go back. Incorrect

36 2. Which of the following uses a describing adjective? Ran quicklyBlack catIn a box Ran quicklyBlack catIn a boxTest

37  Nicely done! “Black” is describing the noun “cat”. Next question… Correct!

38  Oops! This one does not use a describing adjective. Let’s give it another try. Incorrect

39 3. What question does a possessive adjective answer? What?Who?How? What?Who?How?Test

40  Excellent! Possessive adjectives tell us “who” the noun belongs to. Let’s go to question 4. Correct!

41  Oops! That’s not quite it. How about we go back. Incorrect

42 4. Which of the following is NOT a possessive adjective? Him MyHer Him MyHer *Hint: Put each word in this sentence and see which one does not make sense. I need to use _____ pencil. Test

43  Phew! That was a tricky one, but we did it! “Him” is not a possessive adjective. Next question… Correct!

44  Oops! Not quite there. This is a possessive adjective. Let’s try again. Incorrect

45 5. Which sentence uses an adjective (possessive or describing)? I want to eat the apple. I want to eat the apple. He needs to sleep before tomorrow. He needs to sleep before tomorrow. Sally used her computer to write a paper. Sally used her computer to write a paper.Test

46  Splendid! In the last sentence, “her” is telling us whose computer Sally used. Let’s continue. Correct!

47  Oops! This sentence does not have an adjective. Let’s give it another try. Incorrect

48 6. According to the “Unpack Your Adjectives” video, which of the following do adjectives describe? PeoplePeople PlacesThings All the above PlacesThingsAll the above PeoplePlacesThingsAll the aboveTest

49  Very good! The video says that adjectives describe people, places, and things. Correct!

50  Oops! Not exactly. Let’s have another look. Incorrect

51 7. Which of the following sentences uses ONLY a possessive adjective? Jack asked if he could have my chair. Jack asked if he could have my chair. Sally went to the hot beach with her friend. Sally went to the hot beach with her friend. The cold ice cream was handed to Maria. The cold ice cream was handed to Maria.Test

52  Way to go, my friend! In the first sentence, “my” tells us whose chair Jack wanted to have. Correct!

53  Oops! This sentence doesn’t have only a possessive adjective. Let’s give it another shot. Incorrect

54 8. In the following sentence, where should the adjective “frozen” go? We should go get a treat. Before “go”After “treat”After “a” Before “go”After “treat”After “a”Test

55  Wowza! “Frozen” should go before the noun “treat”, so the sentence will look like this: We should go get a frozen treat. Correct!

56  Oops! “Frozen” should not go there. That’s ok…let’s go back. Incorrect

57 * How did the TURTLE in “Unpack Your Adjectives” describe the bear? “Hairy and scary bear” “Hairy and scary bear” “One big ugly bear” “One big ugly bear” “Tall and nasty bear” “Tall and nasty bear”*Bonus*

58  Holy guacamole! We got the bonus right! Way to go, partner! Correct!

59  Oh shucks! The right answer is “One big ugly bear”. That’s ok, buddy. You still did a great job! Incorrect

60 We did it, partner!! We made it through the test. Thank you very much for helping me learn about adjectives and ace my test today. YOU ROCK!!! Congratulations!!!

61  Show Miss Bemiller that you have completed the lesson…she has a treat for you  Show Miss Bemiller that you have completed the lesson…she has a treat for you

62  MacFadyen, Heather. University of Ottawa. What Is An Adjective?  MacFadyen, Heather. University of Ottawa. What Is An Adjective? 5 November 2011. Web.  -a&hs=9t5&sa=N&rls=org.mozilla:en- US:official&biw=1503&bih=553&tbm=isch&tbnid=bIBq4BavtwymwM:&imgrefurl=http:// janet.html&docid=NUgtQm0WWY8tkM&imgurl= x0/RzIiuFcjAaI/AAAAAAAAA0c/cqbR3RA6MNA/s320/unpack%252Byour%252Badjecti ves%252Bgraphic.jpg&w=299&h=218&ei=NMrCTrLVDcXZiAKg5KStDA&zoom=1&iact= rc&dur=30&sig=107041620418495053495&page=1&tbnh=106&tbnw=146&start=0&ndsp=2 7&ved=1t:429,r:2,s:0&tx=73&ty=30  a&hs=mHl&rls=org.mozilla:en- US:official&biw=1503&bih=553&tbm=isch&tbnid=dugkt1yN4VzujM:&imgrefurl=http:// smart.html&docid=MQ1rHgwN6mi9dM&imgurl= Y/TG1nwRlw6yI/AAAAAAAADnk/zFJ6wVEcL- w/s320/Moose_teaches.gif&w=125&h=218&ei=6srCTrDKKaqsiAK8gtzOCw&zoom=1&ia ct=hc&vpx=1237&vpy=147&dur=58&hovh=174&hovw=100&tx=95&ty=114&sig=10704162 0418495053495&page=1&tbnh=110&tbnw=62&start=0&ndsp=29&ved=1t:429,r:8,s:0  irefox-a&hs=IdQ&rls=org.mozilla:en- US:official&biw=1503&bih=553&tbm=isch&tbnid=wCapeMfqSxnkrM:&imgrefurl=http:// cartoon-character&docid=Qe- zPrX705uVsM&imgurl= design/puppy-dog-cartoon- character.jpg&w=500&h=493&ei=HcvCTtWSPMqWiAKl1vXgCw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx =1230&vpy=216&dur=1808&hovh=223&hovw=226&tx=112&ty=111&sig=10704162041849 5053495&sqi=2&page=1&tbnh=146&tbnw=150&start=0&ndsp=14&ved=1t:429,r:13,s:0

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