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Why Adopted Children need and deserve the support of Virtual Schools Gareth Marr Virtual School Governor Special School Director Independent Member Berkshire.

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Presentation on theme: "Why Adopted Children need and deserve the support of Virtual Schools Gareth Marr Virtual School Governor Special School Director Independent Member Berkshire."— Presentation transcript:

1 Why Adopted Children need and deserve the support of Virtual Schools Gareth Marr Virtual School Governor Special School Director Independent Member Berkshire Adoption Panel Adoptive Parent

2 The Children. The Parents. The Schools. Local and National Government.

3 Promoting the education of looked after children Statutory guidance for local authorities July 2014 What are Virtual Schools required to do now?

4 What changes on Adoption?

5 0 Age to 7 More lone. In the family Age 0 to 7 Taking into care transition Age 0 to 7 Moves in care, moves in schools, Age 0 to 7 Adoption, SGO etc. Then in Family = heal, build attachment, love. Adopted Children – The reality Birth Trauma, abuse attachment Alone Birth Trauma, abuse attachment Alone Trauma, abuse attachment Alone Birth Trauma, abuse attachment Alone

6 Then Education Age 3 to 4 Pre school, nursery Age 5 to 7 Primary KS1, Transition symptoms appear. School vs parent: Age 7 to 11 KS2 Transition trauma, symptoms worsen. School sanctions. School vs parent: Age 11 to 16+ Secondary KS3 transition trauma, puberty, more symptoms. Increased sanctions/exclusions. School vs parent: Adopted Children – The reality Alone Trauma, abuse attachment Alone Trauma, abuse attachment Alone Trauma, abuse attachment Alone

7 Adopters experience pre adoption. Infertility, parenting. YHAC research ‘Adopter Views of Support’ 02/2015. Pre – adoption good, post AO not so good. Isolation, depression, don’t want to ask for help. Adopted Parents and Carers – the reality

8 1,500 adopters parenting 2,101 children re education 80% said their child needs more support than their peers. 59% said their child is always trying to catch up in school and make up for their early life experiences. 71% said their child's experience of neglect and or abuse in their early life has impacted their ability to cope in school academically. 75% said it has an impact on their child’s social ability in school. 2014 Survey

9 Adoptive parents and carers – the reality BTAO quotes. Pupil Premium Plus misspend. School gates. Walk of shame.

10 The need for support – the evidence 2015 Adoption Social survey on ASD 100 parents and 181 children. 27% have ASD compared to 1.1% of the general population. 49% have been adopted for over 5 years, majority placed before age 5. 15% of families had ASD diagnosis (more than one child in each family). 0% placed with an ASD diagnosis. 70% of families reported other medical/mental health conditions diagnosed post AO.

11 The need for support – the evidence Beyond the Adoption Order: challenges, interventions and adoption disruption Research report April 2014

12 Child’s age since Adoption Order. Teenagers 10x more likely. Age at placement – highest risk + age 4. Time between adoptive placement and order. BTAO predictors of adoption disruption

13 BTAO How are adoptions faring?

14 BTAO (Wales) 06/2015 ‘Improve support for adopted children in schools. Teachers need to be better informed about adoption, the risks of bullying and to be more aware of the impact of teaching activities which focus on the family.’ ‘However, several LA managers simply did not respond to our communication, despite multiple emails and telephone messages.’ BTAO Triggers for challenging behaviour Developmental changes. School transitions. Bullying and friendship difficulties. School curriculum.

15 ‘Attachment in children and young people who are adopted from care, in care or at high risk of going into care’ “Interventions for children and young people who have been adopted. See Chapter 10, Section 10.3, which presents the recommendations for interventions for promoting attachment in children and young people in care, which cover those adopted from care.” New draft NICE Guidelines May 2015

16 Oxford CSE example

17 Adopted Children need and deserve Virtual School support School selection and transitions Personal Education Plans. Pupil Premium Plus. School training.


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