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WHAT IS LEGAL USE? Purchased from a legal distributor for: Home use Personal use Professional Development for Media and Technology 1.

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Presentation on theme: "WHAT IS LEGAL USE? Purchased from a legal distributor for: Home use Personal use Professional Development for Media and Technology 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 WHAT IS LEGAL USE? Purchased from a legal distributor for: Home use Personal use Professional Development for Media and Technology 1

2 Crediting the source must adequately identify the source of the work, giving a full bibliographic description where available (including author, title, publisher, and place and date of publication). The copyright ownership information includes the copyright notice (©, year of first publication and name of the copyright holder). Professional Development for Media and Technology 2 FAIR USE GUIDELINES Section 6.2 Attribution & Acknowledgement

3 Section 6.7 Licenses and Contracts Educators and students should determine whether specific copyrighted works, or other data or information are subject to a license or contract. Fair use and these guidelines shall not preempt or supersede licenses and contractual obligations. Professional Development for Media and Technology 3 FAIR USE GUIDELINES

4 EDUCATIONAL USE 2009 The distinction between “fair use” and infringement may be unclear and not easily defined. There is no specific number of words, lines, or notes that may safely be taken without permission. Acknowledging the source of the copyrighted material does not substitute for obtaining permission. Professional Development for Media and Technology 4

5 Fair Use Guidelines for Educational Multimedia Section 3.2.3 No web publishing No Must be on a secured, password protected network No copies Professional Development for Media and Technology 5 FAIR USE GUIDELINES

6 Important Points Relevant to course content Used for face to face instruction on a closed network No duplication for distribution Credit/ cite the copyright holder One-time use Professional Development for Media and Technology 6 FAIR USE GUIDELINES

7 1.Use licensed products approved for K-12 2.Ask for permission 3.Know the requirements to qualify as Fair Use - USE FOR DIRECT TEACHING. 4.Always document usage in your lesson plan. 5.Write a regional, district, school wide, or even classroom copyright policy statement to which all users must agree. Professional Development for Media and Technology 7

8 Department of Professional & Staff Development Career Tech and Special Education Digital Copyright – Media Permissions for 21 st Century Citizenship Presented by: Barry S. Britt Soundzabound will not be responsible for any action or failure to act in reliance upon this information. As legal advice must be tailored to the specific circumstances of each case, and as laws are constantly changing (and may vary from state to state), nothing provided herein should be used as a substitute for the advice of competent legal counsel licensed in your state. The information provided is made available with the understanding the neither Soundzabound nor any of its representatives are engaging in the rendering of legal advice or the practice of law. If legal advice or other expert assistance is required, please consult a professional.


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