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Benson High School Health Professions Academy Parent Informational Meeting.

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Presentation on theme: "Benson High School Health Professions Academy Parent Informational Meeting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Benson High School Health Professions Academy Parent Informational Meeting

2 Academy Mission: To successfully build a strong foundation of real-world skills and experience for future health professionals.

3 Steps taken to accomplish our mission: Teaming and Cohort Scheduling Summer Training for Teaching Staff Academy Team Plan Career Specific Advisement Activities Formation of Advisory Board Establishing Future Course Offerings

4 Teaming and Cohort Scheduling Team includes individuals from all content areas Team provides contextualized learning for students Team plans cross-curricular, multi-disciplinary projects Students are scheduled in classes with other members of their academy; about 85% of the time All students still have the opportunity to receive Honors and AP credit

5 Summer Training for Teachers – June 17-18, 2015 Location: UNMC College of Public Health Why Teaming? Team Building Activities Creating a Mission Statement Academy-wide Procedures and Routines Cancer-Prevention Training Long-term Planning

6 Academy Team Plan 45 minutes; every other day Focus Areas: Curriculum Data IEP/504/SAT Student Concerns Sub-Committees Student Opportunities

7 Career Specific Advisement Activities 41 minutes daily Activities Include: Guidance Activities Disease of the Week HOSA – Health Occupations Students of America Health Profession of the Week Guest Speakers Academy Assemblies Content Specific Tutoring

8 Formation of Advisory Board Monthly Meetings from September – January After January, bi-monthly or quarterly Current representation includes: UNMC Alliance UNMC College of Public Health Nebraska Methodist College CHI Community Rehab Physical Therapy Nebraska Department of Education OPS Career Center

9 Establishing Future Course Offerings Under direction of our Advisory Board Medical Ethics will be required for all students as part of Foundation Curriculum 3 New Programs of Study 1.Exercise Science 2.Laboratory Technician 3.Medical Certification programs Phlebotomy Pharmacy Technician Medication Technician

10 How you can support the Benson Health Professions Academy: Encourage your student to participate in activities Communicate with your student’s teachers Provide contacts in the Health Professions field Consider serving on Advisory Board Consider volunteering in areas of need as they may arise

11 Questions??

12 Contact Information: Greg Schlegel, Academy Specialist, 402-557-3038 Jason Rhine, Academy Administrator, 402-557-3075

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